What am I doing?

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Chat Noir's POV

"I am over that Hawkmoth! I will never kill for you ever again." I seethed.

My eyes flickered to Marinette's expression, which had a sudden burst of determination. She easily twisted her arms out of Hawkmoth's grip and fell onto her back, and she used her legs (tied together still) to kick him in the head knocking him out for the momment. We both knew it wasn't going to last long so I quickly grabbed the dagger Hawkmoth held to cut the ropes.

"Where'd you learn to fight like that?" I breathed, "One wrong move and he could've stabbed you!"

She breathed heavily as I picked her up into my arms and ran away from Hawkmoth's lair. Yes, he'd wake up and be hungier for revenge than ever, but at least Marinette was alive.

Marinette's POV

As Chat Noir carried me off to my house, I started to wonder where I got that courage to fight Hawkmoth. He was about to kill me! I had a sudden flashback to what Halkmoth said,

Chat Blanc

and shivered as I remebered his violet eyes blazing with coldness and hatred. I couldn't help but wonder who or what could've changed a person as evil and dark as him. Before I knew it, I was back at my house. I was still shivering as I rubbed my wrist where the ropes scratched my skin.

"I'm sorry I let something like that happen ma belle, I will never let anyone lay a such as a finger on you ever again." He said with pure honesty and anger in his voice.

"You can't blame yourself Minou. I didn't lock my door."

Even with the dark of the situation, a smirk still danced across his lips at his brand new nickname.

"I won't call you that if you don't l-." I began, worrying that I was being weird.

"No princesse." He grinned, "I like it."
He said placing me down on my bed. He kissed my forhead and headed toward the door.

"jusqu'à la prochaine fois (until next time), princesse."He bowed, and jumped off the balcony into the dark of the night.

As I stared at him hopping from rooftop to rooftop, I wondered what his face could look like under that mask...if his eyes still looked cold and dark without the front he always put up. I hoped sometime soon, he'd show me his face...and maybe even tell me his name...



My alarm screamed into my ear. I rolled out of bed and jumped into my clothes, grabbing my keys and running to school without even eating breakfast. I was going to be late. I pulled on Alya's backpack, tugging her backwards to get her attention. (idk it's just something my friends and I do its wierd) "Well, you are actually on time today Marinette." Alya said laughing.

"Oh! Really? I swear I was going to be late." I panted, catching my breath.

Her eyes narrowed at my wrist. I realized what she was looking at and I tugged my sleeve down to hide the marks from the ropes.

"It's just so brush burn, don't worry." I lied walking ahead of her into the classroom.

Time skip to after school

I was walking down the alley way which was a shortcut to my house, when Johnny from my chemistry class came up to me and tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and smiled, "Oh hey Johnny. What's up?"

He twiddled with his fingers, "I need to ask you something..."

I already knew where this was going. I exhaled and tried to hide my annoyance. Johnny had asked me several times before and I told him no.

"I really like you...and I was wondering if you like me back yet...I mean do you have a boyfriend yet?" He asked scratching the back of his head.

"Um...no, but-." He started jumping up and down and kissed my cheek.

"Perfect, then can you be my girl-." He was interupted by a mysterious figure, much taller than him, landing between us. I immediatly recognized him. Chaton.

Johnny yelped girlishly, at which Chat chuchled devilishly, "Listen boy, you stay away from her." He seethed.

"No! Why would I do that? And who ARE you?" Johnny protested.

I winced. I knew what Johnny had just added made his case a whole lot worse, "You will listen to me," Chat began, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me next him, "because I am your worst nightmare."

He held onto the top of his baton and extended it, holding me so firmly close to him that it pulled me up with him. We landed on the rootop of one of the buildings beside the alleyway.

Johnny screamed and ran away. I couldn't help but snort at his reaction.

Chat's stone-cold face softened to look at me.

"Thank you, Chaton, but you didn't have to do that. I could have got rid of him nicley myself." I said putting my hands on my hips.

He pursed his lips, "Yeah right princesse."

I blinked once and he was gone. "Chat!" I screamed, "How will I get down?"

I sighed and sat down, waiting for him to realize his dramatic exit would have to be cancelled to bring me back to the ground.

The sun started to sink, and I finay heard the sound of Chat's baton getting closer.

"What was that for?" I asked, my stomach rumbling.

"Just reminding you that you need me." He winkind, flirtatious smirk stretching acorss my face.

"Just take me home Minou." I groaned clutching my stomach.

"Are you alright?" He asked, getting a little worried.

"Oui, I'm fine... Just take me home.." I said again, clambering up onto his back. He wrapped his arms under my legs to hold me up and easily jumped rooftop roof without his baton.

He used his baton to making the huge jump to my balcony, and placed me down.

He pushed me up against the wall of the balcony, and came closer. We were only centimeters apart. I knew what was about to happen.

He closed the gap between us, kissing me lile there was no tomorrow.

My first instict was to try to get out of his grasp, but I didn't....why? Im not sure.

He put one hand on the back of my neck and the other rested on my waist and held me against his chest.

We broke apart, "Ma belle..." He whispered between gasps when he saw me look unsure how to react, "I know I said that I wouldnt force it, but the cat inside of my is too greedy." He smirked and licked his lips, letting yet another kiss crash down on my lips.

What was I doing?

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