I die

762 13 3

Marinette's POV

I was doing laundry when I heard feet land on the balcony.

I felt my face light up, since I suspected it was Chat.

I happily skipped out and opened the door to see a woman who was known for crime. Volpina.

"You made it easy." Volpina hissed slyly.

I gasped, and tried to scream, but she quickly puy me in a headlock and covoered my mouth with a drugged cloth.

Everything got hazy, then black. Not again!


My eyes opened and I was back in Hawkmoth's lair.

There was a screen in front of me, and it was set on the balcony on my apartment.

I looked up to see Hawkmoth standing on one side of me and Volpina on the othet holding my cuffs.

"Watch. I am about to kill you in front of your little boyfriend." Volpina laughed.

Worry peirced my stomach. I could see him getting closer to the balcony and Volpina pulled out a long stick. It was a flute.

She played a short tune, and an illusion of her holding a knife to my throat appeared on the balcony.

Illusions were her specialty.

I watched Chat land on the balcony and stare in horror.

"Your just on time to watch her die!" Illusion Volpina said.

Illusion me begged for help.

"Don't do this! What did he ever do to deserve this." I cried looking for a hint of mercy in one of their eyes, but there was none.

All of the sudden, Illusion Volpina stabbed me and I fell to the ground bleeding to death.

"Stop this!" I screamed at Hawkmoth as Chat ran to my aid. And Illusion Volpina ran away.

"NOOOOOOO!" He screamed on the screen.

I started sobbing to. To see him in this much pain hurt me.

"Let me go! Let me go tell him I'm not dead." I screamed at them.

They didn't answer.

He left the balcony and hopped in the direction of Hawkmoth's lair.

We heard his footsteps and Volpina quickly dragged me away.

I screamed, but she just covered my mouth and put me in the corner.

She ran back to Hawkmoth's side.

She must've been stupid.

I easily got the handcuffs off the hook and crawled into view, tears still in my eyes.

Chat Noir narrowed his eyes at me, "Stop it. I watched her die." His eyes still wet, he pulled out a knife and walked towards me.

I shook my head and tried to mumble through the rope, but it all came out a slurr.

"Look. When I stab her it'll go away. I need to have a real conversation with you. No illusions." He spat.

I watched in horror as he got closer. Volpina snickered and Hawkmoth just smiled triumphantly.

He raised the dagger and came down on me.

I tried to dodge, but it only enough to keep it from stabbing my vitals.

The daggur plunged into my leg and blood started to flow out.

He gasped and covered his mouth when I screamed in agony.

I had never felt such pain.

He sucked in his breath and kneeled down next to me.

"M-marinette?" He managed through sobs.

" It's m-me Chaton." I mumbled. He took my head into his lap and stroked my head. Tears flowed out of both of our eyes.

He carefully removed the knife from my lef and tossed it away. I let out a cry of pain as I felt him take it out.

More blood came that only made me more dizzy.

He rested his forhead on mine and cried his eyes out.

Chat took off my jacket and wrapped it around the wound.

"You disgust me!" He screamed at the two villains.

He picked me up bridal stlye.

I was surprised that they let him go without a fight.

He ran back to my apartment and placed me on the bed.

"I'm so so sorry princesse." He cried.

His transformation suddenly let out and I gasped.

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