Papillon (Butterfly)

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I started using "Chaton" and if you didn't know (which I didn't until recently) it is 'kitten' and chat is 'cat'

Hawkmoth's POV

I need that criminal Chat Noir gone. I made him into what he is! If he has gone soft, then I must make sure his heart turns cold again. I must get the girl and make sure he regrets every turning good again!

Marinette's POV

I danced around in my living room singing my favorite song. When it ended I started to come up with my own. (Copy and paste into google translate ;)...I am mostly doing this to practice my French. Also I am not that good at this yet I used google translate too lol its a lEaRniNg process )

Oh chaton noir, à quel point tu me fais de la confusion!
Je peux t'aimer ou te déteste
Amour, Amour, Amour
ou déteste, déteste, déteste
tu es de nuit Je suis du jour
Oh oh oh
Oh Oh Oh Chaton Noir

Just at that moment someone roughly grabbed my shoulder. I turned, expecting Chat Noir, when I saw something terrifying. I man with a silver mask that covered his whole face, dressed in a purple suit and held a staff against my neck. I screamed.

"Wh-who are you?!" I screamed.

"I am Hawkmoth. You will be just a little bait for your Chaton...I will be sure his heart will be filled with déteste again!" He seethed and started laughing evily.

"Don't struggle and this will be must easier." He grumbled throwing my over his shoulder and holding a cloth to my mouth.

Everything got blurry and then black.

Chat Noir's POV

I was incredibly bored during the day. Usually, I wouldn't leave my lair during the day because I was wanted, but I would for my Princesse and only for her.

I hopped happly across the rooftops and landed onto the balcony. I walked up to the glass door, and got ready to tap, when I realized he door was already open and her powdery-pink curtains flowed out with the wind.

I suspicously suspended my baton, preparing for any danger, "Ma belle? Are you here?"

I searched her apartment, but she was gone and her phone was still here. The lamp was knocked over and on the broken glass, I found a stickynote. I knew the retched caligraphy handwriting that wrote on the small square paper.

I have taken your 'princesse' for safe keeping Chat Noir.
Come and get her.

Hawkmoth! We used to work together on crime heists, but he betrayed me once so I betrated him. I turned my back on evil and on the gang. If I did what he wanted, he'd let me stay as Chat Blanc, but as soon as I saw Marinette I left the gang and became my own criminal. At least I didn't have to kill anymore.

He wanted revenge and he wanted it bad. So he toke Marinette and it was all my fault.

Luckily, I knew exactly where he keeps all his suspects. Now I could go after her right away.

Time Skip

By the time I reached his prison, the rain was pouring down and the sun had already sunken.

The door to his lair had the slightest crack in it, light spilling out of it begging me to see what was down there.

I used my extended baton to open the door the rest of the way, and it let out an ear killing screeeeeeeeeeeech

I took several steps down the old wooden steps. When I got to the bottom the rest of the room was dark, accept for a spotlight shinning on Hawkmoth and Marinette. I easily recognized Hawkmoth's evil smirk, while Marinette was hard to see. Her hair was down and messy and she had a rope tied around her mouth so she couldn't speak. Her hands and feet were tied together, and her half-lidded eyes begged for help.

I suddenly saw what Hawkmoth wielded in his hand. A small dagger and he held it tight getting it ready for use.

"Leave her alone!" I screamed, "It's me that you want!" 

I knew if I charged he'd hurt her, and if I stayed where I was he'd hurt her more.

I could see the drugs slowly starting to wear off Mari, her becoming more and more aware of what was going on.

"You're right, it is you that I want, but if I have her, you is exactly what I'll get....What do you say....Chat Blanc?"

Wow that's tea sis. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhHhhHHhhh

Also I know I am posting a LOT but oh well.

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