Chapter 1

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The first part is written by Cola, who writes Christie's POV. Strawberry writes Florence's POV. Hope you like it!

Christie's POV

“Christie babe, will you pass me the mascara?” Rhonda asked me as she chewed on her gum.

“Sure hun,” I passed her the mascara and continued touching up my lip gloss. Staring into the schools bathroom mirror I didn’t see me anymore. I’ve changed a lot since I came to high school. Now I’m the queen bee’s wing chick and I love it. We became late BFF’S last year, and this year I can’t wait to see what everyone thinks of me and my new look. I love being in the spot light, the attention makes me feel high, like I’m flying. I can’t wait to see the look on the big jocks faces when they see my new and improved chest. I had a quick flashback of last year.

I was walking down the corridor when I heard it. The obvious loud laughter of the jocks.

“I bet it’s like trying to feel up a wall, there’s nothing to grab onto!” the laughter came again. Confused about what they were talking about I walked down the corridor until I was just around the corner from them.

“Yeah, I mean she’s fu*king hot, but there’s nothing to touch. Rockin’ body though, seen them legs? And dat ass!” I heard wolf whistles then chuckles.

“I would totally f*ck her if I could, but a bit more boob would be nice.” I heard one of the jocks say. I still don’t know who they’re talking about.

“Yeah, same here bro. What’s her name again?”

“Christie Roswell.” I froze and my eyes widened. Me? They’re talking about…me? I knew my boobs were small but I didn’t think they’re THAT small. C cup is perfectly normal!! But if bigger boobs is what it will take to make me popular then bigger boobs is what they’ll get. Then I’ll be popular. Then I’ll be noticed more. Then they can all go f*ck some monkeys for all I care.

“We should get to class Christie.” Rhonda said as she shortened her skirt.

“Yeah.” I agreed and quickly re-adjusted the padding I put in my bra. Over summer I ate chicken every day in hopes to make my friggin’ boobs bigger. But nooooooo they had to stay stupid and small. So instead I’ve got fake boobs. Just padding in a bra to make them bigger. No one knows. Not even Rhonda.

We walked into maths just after the bell had gone. Everyone’s eyes focused on Rhonda, and then they moved to me. I saw all the boys eyes on my chest so I smiled and strutted my way to the back row of seats where Rhonda sat next to her boy toy Nate, and I sat next to Rhonda and a boy from the football team, I think his name is Michael. Nate and Rhonda have been together for a week or 2 now, and to be truthful I don’t like it. Even though Rhonda is my BFF and all that jazz, she’s not a nice person, and I’ve seen one too many of the people she’s been mean to. She is ALWAYS being bitchy to Nate’s little sister Florence. Florence is only a couple of years younger than us and Nate does nothing to stop Rhonda from attacking Flo like a bull charging at a red flag. Nate’s actually an alright guy, apart from the manly knobbiness that all jocks have.

“Wow Christie, you look hot,” Michael said, winking and obviously checking me out.

“Thanks,” I smiled flirtatiously at him. Rhonda leaned towards me so I leaned in too.

“He SO wants to get in your pants,” she whispered and laughed.

“He’s hot,” I whispered back.

“Heck yeah he is babe. You need some action so why not?” Her words made me think. I’m still innocent, something Rhonda teases me about ALL the time. I’ve never really been kissed either. Every party Rhonda invited me to over the summer my damn parents wouldn’t let me go. 

It All Started With A Fake BoobWhere stories live. Discover now