Ch. 1

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Fourteen almost fifteen Harry was laying on his bed locked inside his room when he felt a stab of pain in his stomach that soon spread across his whole body.

He burried his head in his pillows and muffled a scream of pain not knowing what's happening. His position is now like that of a fetus before his vision turned black.

The next morning, Harry woke up with a massive headache. Groaning, he made his way to the bathroom only to freeze upon looking at himself in the mirror. He looked different.

His eyes that was once green are now a steel grey, almost silver that has some green steaks here and there. The once ruffled and untamed raven hair now a straight light blond falling freely down till his waist. He also became paler and his featured became more softer, hell it wouldn't be a surprise if someone were to mistake him as a girl!

His body also became more feminine. But this was not the most shocking, no the most shocking is the black fire that is currently on his back, which suspiciously looks like a pair of wings! It's only the beginning of summer and something happened already. Once again he questioned why can't he just have a normal life?. It was then at this moment that he noticed a letter beside his hand that layed on the sink. Opening the letter it read;

Dear Mr. Potter

It has come to our knowledge that you had experienced an early creature inheritance. We beseech you to come here at Gringots so we can explain more about it as well as your true heritage.

~ Griphook

Harry frowned. Heritage? What's wrong about his heritage. Deciding to make that question once at the bank, the boy made his way outside thankful that the Dursleys are not home. Oh how he hated the old coot for putting him there in the first place.

Yes, he hates Dumbledore. In fact, he would gladly shoot the infamous killing curse at the old man of not for the fact that it would get him a ticket straight to azkaban.

He walked out of the door and questioned how hell get to the bank. It's not night yet, so the night bus is not an option. Looking at the black flames like wings, he decided to test an idea. Closing his eyes, he pictures the bank and willed his wings get him there. Which, surprisingly worked!

He felt warmth spread across his body before his feet left the ground. After a few seconds, he felt the ground back at his feet and opened his eyes only to come face to face with a room full of goblins who looked at him in shock and awe.

Composing himself quickly, he looked at the group and asked, "Hello, I've been summoned here about a creature inheritance?"

One goblin stepped out, one he recognized in his first year. "Ahh Mr. Potter. Follow me"

Without further ado, he followed as the creature led him to a private room before grabbing a parchment and what looked like to be a sealed letter on one of the drawers.

The goblin, Griphook looked at him. "I have letter addressed to you from Lilly Potter before she died. She ordered to give this to you when you had your inheritance. Now I must ask, will you read the letter or look at your true heritage first?"

"I want to know my heritage first please" he decided. Nodding, Griphook gave him the peach mentioned and a silver dagger. "Drop a bit of your blood on the parchment and you shall know"

Taking the dagger, he pricked his fingers and dropped some of his blood at the parchment. Words then began to appear

Real Name: Hadrian Cygnus Malfoy

Adopted Name: Harry James Potter

Real Mother: Narcissa Malfoy

Adopted Mother: Lilly Potter

Real Father: Lucius Malfoy

Adopted Father: James Potter

Siblings: Draco Lucius Malfoy (twin)

Creature: Dark Phoenix

Magical Core: Dark (80% blocked by Albums Dumbledore)

Glamour charm by Albus Dumbledore(broken upon inheritance)


Potter vault withdrawal:
20,000 by Albus Dumbledore
10,000 deposited to the Weasleys
5,000 deposited to the Order
5,000 deposited to Ms Granger

Har-Hadrian was livid to say the least. His hatred for the old coot just got stronger. Taking the letter from his mu- Lilly, he began to read

Dear Harry,

I'm sure by now you know of the truth and if you are reading this, that also means me and James did not make it. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner, my darling, but Dumbledore made us do an unbreakable vow to not tell anyone about the truth. Me and James were truly on the dark side since the beginning. We are spies, as you may call it, to the Order. Your mother, Narcissa was one of my best friend and it breaks our heart to take you away from them, though it was Dumbledore who kidnapped and gave you to us. He threatened to kill you if we refuse so we adopted you. The day that you were taken was the most painful day of your parents lives. We wanted to tell them, but because of the vow we can't. But having you, was the best day of our life and Eve of not by blood, we still care and love you like our own Harry. Now, it's time for you to go back to your real family. We love you sweety and we will always be with you

~Lilly and James Potter

Ps. Don't worry, your family will love you and accept you no matter what.

By the end of the letter, Hadrian was crying. He still has a family, parents that love him and a twin brother!

Looking back at Griphook, he remembered about the first parchment. "Is there any way to remove the block on my core?"

The goblin nodded. "Yes, but it will cause you 10 galleons"

"Take them from the Potter's vault" he said. The goblin waved his hand and it felt like wall has been broken down. For the first time in a long time, Harry felt free. He also felt powerful, a power that he let himself bask in. "Thankyou"

Nodding, the goblin gave him a small smile. "You're welcome. Now do you want someone to send you to your family's home? Assuming you don't know where it is."

Nodding again in thanks he said, "Yes please. I want to see my family. But before that, how can I get rid of these wings?" He gestured to his back and sure enough it's still there.

"Just will them to go away and do the same if you want it back"

Hadrian closed his eyes and did as instructed. Opening his eyes, the wings are now gone. "Right then, take my hand" Griphook offered his hand which the boy took without hesitation.

After the feeling of having you Heath being forcefully sucked out in him, they landed in front of a huge Manor. The goblin looked at nodding his head before apparating back to the bank. Leaving Harry at the door of supposedly home. He gulped and hoped his family would accept him.

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