Ch. 2

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Summoning as much courage as he can at the moment, Hadrian lifted his shaking hands and knocked. The door opened almost immediately revealing a fearful house elf.

"How may Kikky help thus young sir?"
Smiling kindly at the elf wanting to atleast appease it fear even for a little he answered. "Can I please have an audience with the whole Malfoy Family?"

"Oh yes! They are currently all at the living room. Please follow me" the elf then turned with him hot on its heels. They came across a corner and Kikky came to an abrupt stop. Looking at him with those big eyes, he said. "Masters are in here. Just turn the corner to enter the living room" bowing, it disappeared with a snap of its fingers, much like Griphook did earlier.

Bracing himself, he took a deep breath before turning at the corner. Entering the room, he immediately noticed the 3 Malfoys sitting on the couches. Lu-his father sitting on a single couch with a newspaper of the daily prophet on his right hand whilst his left hand held a cup of tea, Draco on the other couch also reading about what looked like to be a potions book, together with his mother absentmindingly playing with his twin's hair.

They didn't seem to have noticed his presence. Hadrian contemplated for a moment wether to get their attentiom or wait until they notice him. Deciding to do the former, he cleared his throat and sure enough everyone in the room snapped their heads to his general direction.

Their reaction was to say the least, comical. Lucius literally spit the tea he was sipping, Narcissa promptly fainting and Draco's jaw practically dropped to the floor seeing someone could practically pass as his doppelganger. If not for Hadrian's softer features and feminine like figure, you could easily mistake them for the other.

A few minutes pass without any word spoken until a groan broke the silence.  Hadrian looked at what caused it while Lucius and Draco jut contents staring. It was Narcissa who groaned, waking up. Sitting up, she wondered if that was alla dream but was quickly proven wrong by looking at the spot Hadrian was in earlier and is still now.

She felt tears threaten to fall as she looked at the son she thought she lost forever. "Hadrian?" She whispered in an almost inaudible voice, silently hoping that this isn't just a painful dream. The boy in question felt tears on his own eyes. "Mum"

Without further ado, Narcissa ran to him, encasing his form with a warm hug while sob broke through her mouth. Hadrian didn't day anything, hugging her back also letting the tears fall from his eyes. Meanwhile, Lucius and Draco who were once frozen in shock were snapped out of it upon hearing the woman's cry.

Following his wife, Lucius also stood and ran to his son hugging him for the first time in years, tears also falling . Draco followed suite, crying and happy that he got his twin back.

His parents had told him of a twin that was kidnapped from them after just a week of being born. He may not have rendered him, but he always felt as if something, more like someone was missing from his life. He felt like a piece of him was stolen. And through his fourteen, almost fifteen years of life, he knew what it was. His brother, his other half, his twin.

After a few more minutes of hugging and crying, the now complete family broke apart with smiles on their faces. Narcissa ushered them to the couches eager to know what happened to her recently found son.

Sitting down beside his mother, and in front of his father and brother, Narcissa didn't waste any second and asked. "What happened?"

Hadrian sighed. He knew that this was coming, he knew that they need to know who he was before learning of his true self. But he's scared, afraid that once they knew, they would throw him away. Remembering Lilly's letter, he took a deeo breath.

"Okay, where should I start? Oh yes, so earlier this day, I went through an early creature inheritance and received a summon from the bank. Upon arriving, I learned of the truth. About how I was adopted and who my real family are. So when I learned that I still have one, I immediately went to you as I know who the Malfoys are immediately after reading your names on the parchment."

"Adopted? Who were you before this" Lucius asked. Hadrian sighed once again, he hates to do this, but he knows that he must. "Harry Potter" he mumbled quietly, but because of the silent room, everyone heard him.

A couple seconds pass before, "WHAT?!" the three Malfoy shrieked.
"I hated my own son!" Lucius screamed in horror. "I bullied and picked on my own twin!" Draco said I equal horror. Narcissa said nothing, only looking at him with the same horror stricken face.

"Hey it's fine. You don't know, plus I also hated you before I knew. Or well, pretended hated you. In my defense, I have an image to maintain" Hadrian said making them all look at him in confusion. "Image?" Draco asked.

Grinning sheepishly, he answered. "I may or may not have been acting the whole time"

"What do you mean acting?" It was his father who asked this time. "I never really liked the old man. Much less the blood traitor and mudblood. I only pretended I did so as to not draw suspicion. Oh, and also the fact that I was supposed to be in placed in Slytherin but begged the sorting hat to place me in Gryffindore. I am after all, their supposedly Golden boy. Plus the fact that I can read dark arts book without the need to worry about anyone sneaking on me, as apparently I'm too 'innocent' to be suspicious" he shrugged like it's the normal thing to do. Well, it is normal, to him atleast.

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