Ch. 4

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"Yo-yo just-just" Draco stuttered ungracefully and Hadrian couldn't help but chuckle at him. Even Lucius who is very good at keeping a blank face is blatantly gaping.  "Close your mouth father, wouldn't want flies coming in"

Lucius promptly closed his mouth and stated at his son. "What was that? That wasn't apparation, it's different. You didn't make any sound, much less produce any smoke appearing. On the contrary, you appeared in s flurry of bright light"

Narcissa who was the first to recover from the shock also looked at him with questioning eyes.

"Didn't I tell you that I came into my inheritance? Oops! That was just one of the perks of being a dark Phoenix"

"A what?!" His mother screech upon hearing the statement. "Having a Phoenix as a creature inheritance is very rare, much less a dark one. A dark Phoenix is much more rarer and stronger than a normal one. Hadrian that's amazing!"

Hadrian smiled. "Thanks mum! Now do you want me to transport you to the dark lord or do you want to apparate yourselves. Just to be clear, my way of transportation is much more nice(?) than apparating. It doesn't invoke the normal feel of apparation"

"I'll go with you!" Was Draco's immediate reply. "I would also like to, but how do you plan to appear in front of the dark lord if you don't know where he is?" Lucius asked.

"Simple, all I need to do is think who I want to go to and I'll appear right in front of them. Even if there are wards around the place, I would still be able to travel in and out of it"

The look on the three Malfoys were one of awe as they take their son's hand. Seconds later, they found themselves being wrapped in a warm and comfortable light as they disappeared out of thin air. True to his words, the normal feeling of apparation was nowhere to be found, instead Lucius, Narcissa, and Draco felt safe.

The group then felt their feet hit the ground as they appeared in front of a very shocked and startled dark lord.

Hadrian was the first to open his eyes and smiled at the familiar man in front of him. "Hello Tom. It's good to see you again"

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