Ch. 6

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Voldemort groaned as he came his consciousness came back. Opening his eyes, he blinked a couple of times to adjust to the light.

He stirred in his pillow- Pillow? I'm pretty sure I fainted though. He looked up only to come face to face with piercing silver eyes that seem to look into his very soul.

Meanwhile, Hadrian who noticed Voldemort stirring, looked at the older man and smiled upon meeting said man's eyes. "Good Morning Tom"

"What happened?"

"You fainted. Lucky for you, I was able to cast a quick levitation spell or else you would have hit your head on the floor."

Frowning Volde-Tom, looked around the room only to look more confuse. Seeing the look, Hadrian explained. "If you're looking for the rest of my family, they're gone. After you lost consciousness I told them to leave you to me. They were quite reluctant to leave me alone at first but then left anyway-albeit reluctantly"

Nodding, he looked at the younger wizard questioningly. "Why didn't you leave with them?"

~ I wanted to spend more time with you. Can't I ?~ Hadrian mock pouted bit after a while smirked.

Tom on the other hand had to hold back a shiver at the language. How in Salazar's name can parseltounge sound so sexy?! Remembering that he was still laying on the boys lap, he hastily sat up.

He looked at Hadrian who was watching him the entire time, smirk ever still present. Clearing his throat,he was about to ask a question before he was interrupted.

"That's for me to know and you to find out"

Clearly seeing the man's expression, Hadrian quickly explained. "You were about to ask me why I'm not afraid of you despite our past and why I wanted to spend more time with you right? Well,theres your answer"

Tom was confused, again!  How did the child knew what he was going to ask? He was confused bit also annoyed and irritated. He doesn't like not knowing anything, especially when it come to his archenemy-well ex-arhenemy .

He shook his head.Harry Potter who he found out was actually Hadrian Malfoy has once again surprised, shocked, and confused him. Him, Tom Riddle a.k.a Voldemort, the strongest dark wizard in history(self proclaimed anyway), someone who was deemed a prodigy on his time(of course until now).

He guesses that no matter, wether the name and apoearance changes, Harry Potter/ Hadrian Malfoy will always be an enigma for him.

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