[Chapter II]

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Entering your room you head straight to the bathroom to re-freshen up, brushing your teeth, and combing your hair again. Exiting your bathroom you head to your closet to pick out something formal to wear. Picking out a dress you grimace, you've never really liked wearing dresses, they were uncomfortable to wear. The dress was blue from your waist down, the waist up it was white with the dress covering nothing on your shoulders. After putting it on you looking into the mirror that was placed into your room, you fixed anything you might thought was wrong before heading right back out of your room. With the sun finally up you decide that it was time for breakfast. 

You start heading down the hallway that led towards the dining room.Your pace was slow walking towards the dining room, for you there was no need to rush. The cooks would keep your food warm. You loathed having meals with your family, specifically your father, the conversation were usually about business, or they praise your sister for being such a wonderful child. You couldn't help but to feel a little jealous of all the attention she gets. Who wouldn't love her, she was the perfect child. She sweet, kind, loving,  she was truly worthy of the title she had.

Walking into the dining room you were greeted by your dear mother and sister who were already at the table already with their meals served. Your mother face beamed when she saw you walk in, "Good morning, how did you sleep dear?" Your mother asked look with a bright smile on her face.  "Good mother, how about you mother?" you asked with a smile on your face. You turn over to look over at your sister who seems to be lost in thought.

"Hello to you too Zel" you said waving your hand in front of her face. Snapping out of her thoughts she looked up to "Oh sorry I was just thinking." She said giving you a small smile. You take a seat right next to her. Looking over the table, you realize there was someone missing.

"Where's father?" you asked as the servants bring out your meal setting it right in front of you. "Oh you know how busy that man is, he's going to have meetings all day" Your mother said with a sigh placing her chin in between her hands. You hum to yourself as you start to eat. Eating, your mind drifted off to its own. Your mind thinking about your father. Of course hes busy, the only thing he cares about here is his work. When he does have free time none of his time is spent with you. Thinking about your father makes you upset, in result losing your appetite.

Finishing what you could of your food you looked up see your mother and sister talking to each other. "I'm going to take my leave, you two have fun talking to each other". You said while standing up. "Oh that was certainly fast." Your mother said looking at your plate with a frown. You've didn't even finish half of your food. "Are you sure you don't want to eat some more honey?" Your mother asked, you shook your head softly "No I'm just not really hungry right now." You said softly, you started walking away the servants immediately cleaning up after you. Walking out of the dining room, your mother and looked at you with frowns on their faces.


You were back in your room laying on your back on the bed. Letting out a sigh you turned to your side letting your thoughts take over your mind as you close you eyes. You were bored, you would rather be outside playing with other kids, but your mother said that isn't something a kid like should be doing, She always made sure you were always focused on your studies.

"Ugh", sitting up on your bed, you decided that you wanted to go into castle town. Getting up from the bed, you go through you closet for the third time today after locking your door to find yourself your peasant wear. Hands reaching to the back of your closet you rummage to find the clothes you stole from the servants quarters a while back. This isn't your first time sneaking out of the castle. You've been sneaking doing this for a while, it started when you parents had been making you only focus on your studies.

 Finding the clothes you were looking for, you took off your dress carefully and placing it on your bed before putting on a pair of worn out trousers, an under shirt that was later covered with a brown jacket. Looking at yourself in the mirror you realized that you were missing one piece of the outfit. Going back to your closet, you go in deeper into your closet to find the missing. After about a minute you come out in your dominate hand was a cap.

Putting on the cap, you tuck your [h/c] hair to make yourself less recognizable to the public. Looking back to the mirror, you applaud for your perfect work of disguise. It was pretty daring to go out when everyone was awake, its easier for you to get caught.

Unlocking your door carefully you look out to see if there was anyone there. No one there, you walk out of your room making your way towards the exit of the castle.


If your wondering how old you are you are 12 and Zelda if 14

Also If anyone is reading this during the quarantine that is happening right now with covid-19 I hope that you stay safe and healthy.

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