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i sat on the little bed, with jahseh in the chair beside me, boredly tapping around on his phone while i picked at my nails and then began observing the elephant tattoo on the back of my hand.

my gaze and distraction was interrupted by the door opening, and i glanced up to see a tall woman walking in, with a smile on her face.

"hi, my name is doctor bernard," she greeted, shaking both of our hands before she went over to the computer by the wall and started typing.

"aracely?" she asked, and i glanced up at her, not speaking, which made jahseh sigh loudly and then speak up.

"yeah, that's aracely."

she let out a little laugh, and i didn't find anything comical, though i stayed quiet, feeling another wave of pain in my abdomen, though i forced myself to bare with it and just furrow my eyebrows.

"okay, can you verify what's going on? just to make sure everything here is accurate." she said, and i let out a soft exhale before speaking.

"i don't know what's wrong, but my stomach keeps hurting, my head too, and i've been throwing up." i said calmly, shrugging my shoulders while she scanned over the computer and began to click around on it.

"oh- and one minute i'm sweating and hot, and the next i'm cold." i added, which made her hum in response, before her eyebrows furrowed at something on the computer.

"do you take any medication?" she asked, and i shook my head.


she nodded her head, before turning from the computer and facing jahseh and i. "well, i'm going to run some tests on you, just to find out what your symptoms are about," she started, and i tucked some hair behind my ear.

"it could be an allergy to something, or a health related concern, so we'll take multiple tests and blood samples." she said, and the thought of getting blood drawn made me shudder.

"but, in the computer systems it says you were consistently prescribed some medicine, and in the past year you haven't seemed to order, receive or take any of it."

i scrunched up my face, before my face fell flat and i realized exactly what she was talking about and what medicine she meant.


"what medication?" i asked, tilting my head at her and playing dumb, and she glanced back at the computer before she spoke.



"when were you gonna tell me-" jahseh began as we got into the car, and i rolled my eyes and cut him off before he could finish.

"never. i don't wanna talk about it."

he sighed, and buckled in his seatbelt before he spoke again, even though i'd said i didn't want to talk about it. "aracely, it's not like it's some huge surprise that you're schizophrenic."

i snapped my head towards him, before furrowing my eyebrows with frustration. "don't call me that. you make me sound sick or something, and i'm not."

he let out a frustrated huff, driving out of his parking space and keeping his eyes on the road. "you are, and it's okay. we can be sick together."

i glanced over at him, giving him a questioning look, and he glanced over at me, before he laughed and shook his head. "does it make you feel better to know that i have schizophrenia too?" he asked, returning his gaze to the road.

his words seemed to shut the voices in my head up, out of surprise, because they'd spent years on end taunting me and telling me i was the "odd one out", and nobody else had issues like this, or voices in their head.

"no." i lied, though i did feel much better, and more comforted, to know i wasn't alone.

"yes you do." he said, making me roll my eyes and huff, but causing a smile to form on my face.

"so the medicine, in the cabinet, it's yours?" i asked, keeping my gaze out the car window and on the passing buildings and houses as i spoke.

"how you think i knew you was schizophrenic just by the name of the medicine?" he returned, which made me hum in response.

"on another note, they made me take a pregnancy test too," i sighed, which caused him to glance over at me, and then back at the road. "but i told them to just give me all the test results together, when we go in next week."

he smirked, shaking his head slightly before speaking. "so once again, what are some cute baby names? you know, i like the name xiorra-"

i slapped his chest, then smacked my lips and rolled my eyes, which made him roll his eyes, which made me huff dramatically, which made him mock me and do the same, and i smacked my lips again.

"alright, that's enough attitude in my car." he said, glaring over at me, and i rolled my eyes for the hundredth time.

"i swear, i don't know how your eyes aren't messed up with how much you roll them." he retorted, and in response i only dramatically rolled my eyes once again, which made him shrug as he continued to drive.

we both said quiet, while i looked out the window once more, for once considering the idea of me actually being pregnant, which i'd never even thought twice about.

am i even ready for motherhood? would i even be a good mom?

i bit my lip at the thought, and my thoughts were distracted when we stopped at a red light, and a mcdonald's down the street caught my attention, my hungry stomach craving it.

"can we get mcdonald's?" i asked, leaning against the window, and jahseh smirked before he spoke, keeping his eyes on the road as he light turned green.

"anything for you, baby momma."


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