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So the next class is Defence Against the Dark Arts class. This year it is going to be taught by Sev. So I went into the class and we all decided where to sit. It went like this:
Me, Jason, Percy, Frank, Nico
Cal, Pipes, Annie, Hazel, Will
You see we are all a group but we have groups inside of groups. We have the demigodesses group (We all have different names for the groups) which has Annabeth, Piper, Callie, Hazel and Will. (He mostly hangs out with the girls.) Then we have the Leo Supersized Mcsizzle Fire boy Valdez Argo II crew which has me, Jason, Percy, Frank and Nico. So the boys say that our official name is Demigods and the girls official name is Demigodesses. I did not know anything that happened in that class. The boys and I passed notes.

(A/N P=Percy L= Leo F= Frank J= Jason N= Nico)

P: So how are we going to ask the girls and Will?

L: Well I have an idea

J: Me too.

N: Can mine involve darkness?

L: Sure

So I told them my plan. (A/N not going to tell you what it is.)

J: I can't believe I am going to say this but thats genius!

L: Naturally.

P: Shut up Leo

L: Yes! Persassy's back!!!

N: So when can you start?

L: Tonight but you guys need to distract the girls and make up a reason why I can't be out there. Keep an eye on Cal especially.

P: k.

Then the bell rang and we started to go to our dorm for free period. The trio came up to us for some reason. Probably to tell me how good I look. "Hey. I was wondering if we could come up with you to your common room and play truth or dare. So we can get to know each other better." Hermione said. "Sure." Percy said. Then we went to our common room to start the game. "Okay so me being amazing. I will go first." I said. They all said alright. "Annabeth. Truth or dare?" I asked.

Sorry I have not been updating. I have been catching up with all my friends! I also have alot going on. My older half sister and her boyfriend got Covid. So did one of my bffs cousin. Please pray for them to get better. I will try to update again soon. Especially since I left you on a cliffhanger. Thanks for all your support on my books!

I do not own any of these characters. Rick Riordan and J.K. Rowling do. I only own the plot.

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