Chapter 3

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I wake up, feeling sick!, must be those jets?, must have upset my stomach?, I get coffee ready, we have a shower together, then have our coffee and we each have cereal, I clean up, 'so?, want to be a good boyfriend and take me out on a date?' I ask, 'mmmm, no' he says, 'why not?' I ask, 'cause, you said my name 4 fucking times, and put it into a stupid fucking ryhme' 'now, who's a baby, I think your name is-' 'don't you fucking dare' he warns, 'cute?' I say, he gets up, brings meover his shoulder, 'you going to fucking regret that, we talked about this, I'm not "cute", I'm a sexy beast' he says, I hook my leg around his neck, 'what are you doing?' he asks, and I am upside down, with his head between my legs, (zip), he shudders a little, 'goddamit, Buff' he says, and walks, then lays on the bed, 'mmmm!' I moan, 'shit?' he lifts his hips up, I breath, his entire dick went into my mouth!, he makes it up to me by sucking on my pussy, I suck on his balls, 'fuck' he mumbles, I moan with him in my mouth, getting him nice and wet, I'm soaking already.

He does want to take me out, but his mates want him to come by, so I be a smart ass, 'okay?, me or them' I say, he gives me a look, 'that is not fucking fair' he says, 'but still, spend time with me, and by with me, or you can go be with them?' I say, he kisses me, 'don't do to me, okay, I'll be back before you even get into bed, at 10' he says, 'it's 6:, and you were suppose to take me out you know actually show you want to be with me, not just sexually' I say, 'but they are my mates' he says, 'huh?, if you aren't here by 10, I will fucking ditch you' I say, 'come on' he says, 'no, I'm fucking serious you cannot threaten our relationship, you said you were okay with me not being here all the time?' he says, I look down, 'you know what fine?, I'll go out with the girls?' I say, 'really?' 'maybe I'll join their hen party?' 'no, male strippers' he says, I walk out of the room, 'I fucking mean it' he says, 'and they are staying here, since you'll sleep at your friends place, but don't come back early' I say, 'are you fucking serious?' 'you go out with your friends, I'll go out with mine, anyway?, your not here, so?, no old restrictions?' I say, and get a new jacket out, and another $50, then come out, 'I don't want you leaving here, not tonight' he says 'like, you have a say' 'what?, are you fucking serious?' 'you go out, I can't get you to stay, you know I like when things are equal between us' I say, 'I don't like your friends' 'and I do not like yours' I say, he groans, 'Buffy' he says annoyed, 'seriously, you can't control everything in my life' I say, 'I can, and I do' he says 'really?, did you know that I have a nipple piercing?' I say, he bites on his tongue, 'no you don't?', 'really?', I pop my tit out, I put it in, since I'm going out with the girls, 'and I got that 3 months ago' I say, 'I gave up seeing my family on holidays for you, please, please, please, just don't try control me, and trust me' I say, 'no, if you leave, I will bring the guys over' he says, I walk out, 'asshole' I say, 'what'd you fucking call me?!' 'Jamie, you as prick!, and your dick is small!, and you've gained weight!' I shout before walking out, he goes after me, I go to the elevator, someone just stepped off, James goes after me, 'you are so dead!' he shouts, the elevator starts closing, 'fuck!', he punches the elevator doors!, he calls his friends, and tells them about the upgrade and they'd happily come over, he just lost it!, and trashed the apartment, his friends join in, and heavy metal music is played.

I come back about 3 hours later, I smile, the girls get a single look, 'um?, .. see you later?' I say 'yeah?' 'good luck' 'great seeing you again' they each say, I wave, they walk away, I breath in before walking in, I already feel like crying, there stools and couch is ripped up, someone pissed on the rug, there is a hole in the wall, the fridge door is broken, the dishwasher has been taken!, the living room wall has been knocked down!, like someone went through the wall!, there is a naked guy and 2 naked chicks in my bed!, several beers spilled on the carpet, guest bedroom and this is where I break!, a dead guy who slipped on the water all over the floor in the hot tub bedroom, 'ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!', James wakes up, I am just frozen!, I need to get out of here!, before I'm involved in a crime!, I go pack a bag, James gets up, he's naked!, he walks in, I stop packing, 'did you get another tattoo?' I ask, he looks down, 'yeah?, got a problem?' 'yeah, I do!, there are naked people in our bed, a dead guy in our hot tub room, the place is trashed, I am breaking up with you' I say, 'what?' he says, and loses his tough act, I continue to pack, 'no, your not leaving' 'oh really?' I say and move to the next wardrobe, he looks around, 'it just got out of hand?', I grab my phone out and swipe through my messages, 'oh really?', I show him a video, he is partying, he purposely did everything, he moves his hand through his hair, 'I'll send a check, $40,000, for repairs, but other than cleaning, ... I hate you' I say crying, he comes over, 'no!, do not touch me!' I say, and I zip up the bag, and I grab my personals, 'stop packing!, and fucking talk to me!' 'I don't want to talk to you, I do not want to see you, ever again' I say, he grabs my wrist, I spin backhand him!, but as a trained army man, he blocks it, ... 'I loved you' ... 'don't say "loved", cause I know you still do, and this is not how our relationship should go' 'there are people sleeping in our bed, a dead guy who was in our hot tub, if anything you should have known why I was so temperamental?' 'what do you mean?' ... 'I'm pregnant' I say, ... his face falls, 'I didn't go to strip club, I went to a doctor's appointment, paid extra for it to be later in the day, I didn't drink, I went to the movies with my friends' I say, ... 'Buffy' he says, 'I seriously did love you, but why did you have to go do that?, do this?' I say, he comes over, he kisses me, I don't kiss him back, 'goodbye' I say and I walk around him, 'also, my toothbrush is inside a woman's pussy' I say, James think he might actually cry, I'm already crying, I open the side of his wardrobe up, and take out 3 stacks of money, his eyes drop, 'here', I toss him, 4 stacks, 'there's my share, I'll have my name removed from the papers' I say, he sits the money on the wardrobe, 'I don't want the money, I want you' he says, 'uh huh, would have been 3 fucking hours ago' I say, and put the other 7 stacks into my bag, before walking out, a person tries touching the money, he punches them!, he looks down, yeah, he's naked, he may have fucked a girl?, or 3.

He cleaned up the body, and blood, laid the towels on the floor, and used the $40,000 to fix the walls, hired 3 maids, they fixed the place up, then the pain set in, when everything was clean, that he was going to be a father!, and he fucked it up, just cause he wanted to control me, he checked, I did go to the movies and I did make a appointment, I'm about 7 weeks along, he wanted to reck some things, but he couldn't, he honestly didn't want to ruin anything more, then he gets a call, 'thought I told you never to call this number again?' James says, 'heard you got dumped?, must hurt bro?, but we need you to come in for a job, it'll just take a month, it's in Beijing, big money' 'how much money?' he asks $25,000 each, he says, 'how many people?' 'the whole team' '6 guys?, how can I pass up a reunion?', ... 'yeah, you sound like some killing will do you good' he says, thought $1,500,000 sounds sweet, and if one dies, the money goes to their family, not to someone else, it's a agreement, and they were confused when he put down my bank account, if he died, 'hmmm?, didn't think Beasty had a soft spot for ex's?' he says, 'shut up, and my life, my business' he says, 'mmm-hmmm?' 'you spying on me again?' 'your my brother, of course' he says, 'you could give it to ... I don't know who?' his brother says, James rolls his eyes, and they go get dressed, 'you've been keeping it tight?, not gaining anything?, though you did lose something' his brother says, 'can you just stop?, okay, if want me to do this job, shut up' James says, 'someone's touchy' his brother says.

I was able to find a 4 bedroom, 5 bathroom, it's a large house, nothing though I'd be into those big family lifestyles, I have a nice big fence with a backyard, and I am having twins!, both boys!, I have a moment of weakness and I unblock James for just a moment and send him a ultrasound pic, before blocking him again, he's on a plane, he looks at it, he's surprised to see my name, he dares swipe, and sees the image, he breaths in, 'you okay?, distracted?' 'no?, don't be such a-', I titled it "congrats, your going to be a father of 2 boys", 'prick' he says slower, his brother comes over, James exits and turns his phone off, 'fuck off' he pushes his brother back, 'you are distracted?, come on tell me, I won't judge' 'all you do is judge' ... 'I will pay you $5,000 when I get paid to tell me' ... 'come on, you know I keep promises' his brother says, .... 'my ex- is pregnant' he says, 'oh?, ... that complicates things, thought you two broke up?' 'we did, she broke up with me while telling me, .. twins, both boys, just got the Ultrasound picture, I have no idea where she is' 'she's the reason you got out of the family business, who knew?, why did you two break up?' ... 'it's complicated?' 'you always are?' his brother says, the other guys are intrigued, 'when I got out, I made some friends, made me money, when I met her she was a NYU student, culinary, and she was a stripper part-time, I got her out, got her a apartment, then after about 3 months, I started bringing the guys over, partying, and she would clean it up, every time and I never let her friends come over, cause they were so judgemental about me, and the night we broke up, I wanted to go out, and she wanted me to go with her, I didn't, so she said she'd go out with her friends, I didn't want her to, she called me my name, said my dick was small, and that I'd gained weight, and stormed out, I thought she'd go to a male strip club?, and drink and bring the girls back, she told me to trust her, ... I broke our agreement, brought the guys over, fucked the place up, she got back, someone had a threesome in our bed, most of the walls were broken down, and a guy slipped and fell in our room with a hot tub in it, and turns out she went for a doctor's appointment and to a PG rated movie' he says, 'oh?' 'so?, she left, gave me $40,000 and removed her name from the apartment and I used the money, cleaned the place up, and I stopped partying, and I got sober, and I started trying to track her down, couldn't find her?, so she moved out of the country, then you's come by, 17 weeks later and I just got a picture of her first Ultrasound, she's having twins, both boys' he says, 'can I see?', James opens his phone, 'wow?, not bad' 'are you kidding?, finally admitted how she felt about me, and told me she was pregnant, and I just couldn't change?, she always said she'd break up with me, but she'd been saying that for a year, but yeah?, she left me?' he says, ... 'dude?' his brother says, 'I'm fine, it doesn't effect me?' 'your going to be a father and it's kind of big, how about after this you come back home?, get you back to the normal drinking, not getting high unless it's on dad's tobacco, get back on the old farm?, get you back on more frequent missions, it'll ease over time' his brother says, 'yeah?, okay?' James says, maybe getting away from the city will be good for him, he's already locked up his apartment, contacted the company, got his plumbing and electricity cut off while he was gone, maybe getting away will be good?.

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