Chapter 6

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I hold my phone and facetime with Helen, she answers, 'hey?, excited for tomorrow?' she asks, 'how about 26 minutes ago?' I say and show the twins, 'oh my god!, you had them!' she screams in excitement, 'they are so small and adorable?, look at their hands!' she's about to cry, 'oh my god!, I want to hold one!' she's out in the paddock, she was about to go out in her car, James comes out, snatches her phone!, he gets a look, 'so cute' I say, James goes into a app and starts tracking me, 'keep going' he mouths to Helen, she shakes her head and takes her phone back, 'what are you going to name them?' 'I have no idea?' I say, we both giggle, 'so?, when are you visiting me?' she asks, 'no bloody idea?, I think I'll wait til like-, maybe when James goes out on a mission?' I say, James looks down, 'hi?' he says, 'oh?, hey?' I say, 'offensive, since you know they are mine' he says, I need to be on the phone for about another couple of seconds, like 20 seconds, then I'm found, 'you should come down here' Helen says 'yeah, right?, like I'm going to fall for that' I say, 'I suppose?' she says, it shows my location, I'm at the hospital!, that is literally 30 minutes away!.

Honestly my car got overheated when I got a hour out, and in a town, I needed repairs and suddenly found myself renting a house, it's 2 bedroom, I've paid out 5 months already, cause I was approved for $10,000, and got furniture, 'how about you just visit for a little bit?, I'll keep Patrisha on a leash' she says, I giggle, 'I think she'd find a way to chew through that', Helen giggles, Patrisha storms over, 'don't be talking shit about me!', I hang up, 'mum!' James yells at her, 'what?' 'my sons, were born, I'm out of here' James says, 'oh come on, what about you double ex-girlfriend Beth?, think about her?, your with her now?' 'fuck off' James says, 'you are not leaving' his father says, 'are you fucking serious?!' James shouts, 'let her go' his father says, James kicks the car, Beth comes out, she's a pretty blonde, 'hey' she says, she's like them, they renovated and weilded two carvans together to be her house, on the property, his brother comes out, 'let's go shoot some stuff' he says, this is what they do to calm him down.

Then Helen gets a text, :I was actually wondering if you would help me?. I send, James's ears seem to stick up 'now, James you need to calm down' 'she texted you?, what did she say?' 'someone take him out to the field, :sure?, love to. she says, :please, don't tell anyone the address, and maybe if it goes well?, I'll consider coming back. I send, :great. she goes inside, and packs a bag, she comes out, James just came back, 'where the fuck-, your going to her?!, Helen!' he shouts, 'please, do not screw this up, maybe I cna negociate her coming back?' Helen says, 'you are going to go see the twins, I have to be there' he says, yep, he's driven to his kids, he's going to have break downs til then, she gets in the car, 'oh hell no, you are not coming' 'my grandsons' she says, 'no' Helen says, 'my husband's farm' she says, 'my brother's farm' 'my grandsons' she says, 'your a unwanted guest, no' Helen says, James comes out with a bag, 'no, no, no, no, no, no' Helen says, 'my sons were born less than a hour ago and you expect me to stay here?' James says, 'Patrick!, a little help' 'like I'm going to let him go anywhere' 'fuck you' James says, 'I'll take you over my knee, boy' his father says, he growls, and his eyes light up, 'let, Helen go and see what she can do to persuade ... what's her name?' his father says, James whimpers, Helen gets in the car, 'you too Patrisha, you'd only remind her not to come back' 'Patric-' 'do not start with me' he warns, she storms off inside, his dad slaps her ass as she goes in, 'dad?' James says, 'inside, now' he demands, and James growls and goes inside.

Helen arrives, I have the twins asleep, Helen comes in, I hug her!, 'ooh?' she says, 'hi' I say, she smiles and hugs me back, 'so?, what did you need help with?' 'oh?, nothing, I just wanted to see you' I say, she giggles, 'you know, James had to locked in his room to get here' she says, 'yeah?, how is he?' I ask, 'we've made a new thing, everytime he has a tantrum, Beth and Michael take him out shooting' 'Beth?, who's Beth?' I ask, oh shit, 'friend of the family?', oh no, he's moved on, 'oh?' I say, 'look, he still cares about you' 'no, it's good, he's moved on?, reminds me, I joined a dating website?', not lying, 'what?, why?' 'a child needs a fatehr figure' 'so you really have no intensions on coming back?' she says, I breath out, 'and you'd replace James like that?' 'he's moved on, why ruin a happy relationship?' 'you know, he wants you, and he wants to be a father-' 'I invited you here as a guest, cause I missed you, why are you yelling at me?' I ask, 'James, is their parent too, he has a right to be there for them' she says, 'I'm not taking a risk that big' I say,

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