Chapter 4

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I work in a diner!, I'm the chef there, I'm now 6 months pregnant, I'm going for another Ultrasound, I send James a picture, he's sitting up against a tree and has a black rain coat over him, the mission extended and they'll each get paid a extra $10,000.

He takes out his phone, it's me!, he swipes, "getting bigger, I hope your doing okay, I know it's stupid to contact you, but I'd be insane not to still feel something for you, I don't know if I'll heal completely, you are a big part of my life, and who knows?, maybe one day we could be friends?", he flicks his phone off, 'let's give em hell' James says, his brother nods.

I wake up in my large master bedroom, I have 2 walk-in's, came with the house, I keep one locked, the couple that use to live here, had this design, I also have a bathroom, I renovated it to be better for my needs, I made the whole house perfect, and used up the last of my inheritance and savings to make this new life perfect, I got the car, the soon coming family, I have the house, and small town job, and life is actually beautiful out here, the house is on a 1.7 acres, I have nice big fence, going around, and I am planning on getting a pool put in, but I'm saving up for that, in my current job, I am being paid $27 a hour, 8:am to 5:pm, I work Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday, and I'll get maternity leave when I am 7 and half months along, I earn $1,215 a week, and that is pretty good, especially out here, I am the primary chef, they were shocked a city chef would come out there?, but I have my reasons, I've made some friends, as far as they know, guy broke my heart and I'd had enough of the city, so they kind of excepted me in?, it's nice, I can see why James liked it out here, yep, I came to his home town!, I wanted to chase him down, and I happened to find his work resume once, then he hid it, but I remember his home town, I heard one of the customers talking about their children and Nephews returning from the army?, wow?, lucky them, have a army family?, but gave me a idea about James?, so I'm of course scared, and feeling like I'll have anxiety just from hearing about him coming here!, he must have gone back into work?, but it's good, good for him.

I continue work, they'l be here tomorrow!, oh my god, oh my god!, it's happening, I have work tomorrow, the woman, has requested I make a cake, so I'll make James's favourite, yeah, I know his favourite, though I'm pretty sure, straight away, it'll give it away, cause he knows my cooking, cause he had been eating it for a long time, James and his team get paid, then they are on a plane back, 'I know you want to track her down, we'll help you' he says, 'thanks' James says, 'almost might think your in "love"?, are you?' his brother asks, 'piss off' he says, and hides it, but of course he does.

Cake ready, his mother is going to bring it out, I much prefer his Aunty, me and his mother aren't on good terms, she thinks it's just a chocolate cake, but really it's chocolate, choc chip on the inside, and there is a layer of cool whip between, so you'd only see the frosting, I've had it cooling in the fridge, so ther frosting goes hard and crunchy, then his mother wants cut up strawberries around it, they are paying $80 for the cake, and really want their money's worth and boy will they get it, I've met his dad, now there is a guy who can make some demands, but I never burn or undercook anything, it's all perfect, I have a assistant and there are 3 other waitresses working here, but I am having a side chef, who'll take over on days I'm not there and they'll bring in another chef while I'm on maternity leave.

James and his brothers are picked up by their father, straight to the diner, everyone cheers, alright, I'm freaking out, 'welcome home' his mother smiles and hugs him, 'hi, mum' he says and hugs her, 'got a new tattoo?, I do not like it?, ooh, have something for you', she gives him a present, 'mum-' 'no, I haven't seen you for a christmas and 2 of your birthday's' his mother says, then goes and gets the cake, and sits it on the island counter, he freezes, 'where'd you get this?' he asks, 'had it made?, cut cut it' his mother says, and he cuts into it, and cuts it up, once he gets a bite, he sits it down, 'no, seriously, who the fuck made this?' 'you don't like it?' ... 'it's my favourite' he says, 'so?, is this choc chip?' his mother says, I open the door, and lean on the door, he full on freezes, 'hey, handsome' I say, 'holy shit?, your here?' he says, 'you know, if you didn't like my cooking you could have told me?', James rolls his eyes, 'wait?, how do you know her?' 'she's you ex-?' his brother says, I go back into the kitchen, 'what the-?' his mother says, 'wait?, is she pregnant with your twins?' his Aunty says, 'guess, we don't have to track her down afterall?' his brother says, 'actually not bad?' his brother says, 'yeah, well she designed the recipe for me' James says and then goes around to the kitchen, 'been a while?, is this where you have been?, for 5 months?' James says, I shrug, and 'don't shrug that, I told you about this place once and you decide to move here?' 'got bored?' I say, 'seriously?, you got bored of Chicago?, and moved here?' 'yeah?, your family sucks' I say, he smiles, 'no, seriously your mother ... is a lot, I like your Aunty though' I say, 'yeah?, ... so, you want to be friends?' he says, (oven dings), 'either you are giving me a very big birthday surprise, or you moved here to tease me?' he says, I shrug, 'just a decision?, never been anywhere?, done anything?, cause you never let me?, so I figured you'd come here, to find out you went back to work?, have fun?' I ask, and then pull out hte grispy and crunchy lasanga, 'it's a coming home party, so you can go be with your family?' 'your making all of my favourites?' he says 'what?, no, I am not?' I say, 'the cake, lasanga, what's next?' he asks, 'just my best recipes?' I say, he walks around the island counter, 'James' I say, 'I don't want to be your friend' 'well you can't be my girlfriend' I say, he smiles a little, 'so?, will I get custody?', I shrug, 'this is literally the only thing you have ever not planned' he says, 'not true' I say, talking about us breaking up, 'also, love the tatt' I say, he smirks, 'going for a Indian?, needs some colour though?, or it'll blend in with your muscles, though I'm pretty sure when you were drunk and got it, you were thinking lone rider?, cowboy?, outlaw?' I say, 'maybe?, I know what I did was bad' he says, 'you vidoed, fucking some other chick' I say, now everyone heard that, 'I was drunk' 'you put my toothbrush in a girl's private' I say, 'that wasn't me' he says, 'someone went through the wall' I say, 'I was bored?' he says, 'so you decided to run through the wall?' I say, he shrugs, 'the fridge door was broken' I say, 'fixed' he says, 'someone was in the hot tub' I say, code for there was a dead guy in there, 'and that has also been dealth with' 'I went through therapy' I say, .... 'missed you too?' he says, 'also, I know you cheated on me, cause you were hung over before I got back 3 hours after leaving and your clothes were hanging from the ceilling air vent' I say, his brother snorts a little, 'Buff, that was 5 months ago, I'm sober, I don't get angry that easy, and I am much better' 'so how about we don't ruin the lives we each have built?' 'your the one who didn't have a abortion?' 'you know why I kept it' I say, cause I have no family, I don't like being alone, 'you never needed anybody' 'yeah, but you did' I say, 'you said a lot of things that you know made me angry' 'what?, I think your name is cute?' 'it's not cute, it's stupid, and I legally changed it' he says, 'it's still your baby name' 'you made a rhyme about my fucking name, of course I fucked changed it', I bite on my tongue, 'still got that quick temper?' 'cause you know how to get me angry?' he says, 'how about you go and be with your family?' 'you came out here?' 'you also know why I came out here' I say, 'so why are you avoiding me?' he asks, 'you also know that reason' 'I'm always gentle, you know I've never physically hurt you' he says, 'I know' I say, then I get started on making steak, 'Buff' he says, ... 'I seriously need some distance right now' I say, he smirks, and comes over, 'James' I warn, 'what?' he says, I walk around the island counter, 'stop messing around' I say, he follows me around the island counter, 'oh my god, your so annoying' I say, his brother chuckles a little, 'what?, just walking around the kitchen?' he says, goddammit, back cramp, he comes around, he hugs his arms around me, and smells my hair, and kisses my forehead, 'I know you missed me, and if you had that abortion you'd have no family, but there was a time, when you considered me family, and the reason you came here, is cause you wanted me, cause you love me, and you don't want to be alone, also you went through my information and looked at my birth certificate, which I am still mad about, and that's also how you found out about my name, it's my grandfather's name-' 'I know, you told me when you were drunk and I braided your hair' I say, 'also, I know you did something to my bank account, you know I blocked you' I say, 'I know' 'and had people looking for me, like a stalker would, cause you have a obession with me' I say, he smirks, 'no, just your tits and ass' he says, I giggle, 'and I only want you for your body' I say, 'I know' he says, he looks at the side counter  'are you seriously making pies?' 'no, that's for me, you know I don't let you eat my pie, and I'm working' I say, 'you could meet my family' 'met them' 'all of them?' 'not hard to find out who your family is' 'I suppose?' he says, 'alright, now, go' I say, he doesn't let go, 'it's not going to work this time' I say, 'yeah, it is' he says, 'how do you know?' 'cause, you moved here' he says, I don't let him kiss me, 'buff, seriously, I'm not kidding-' 'anger issues, you know I heard some anger people, actually breath when dealing with anger issues?' I say, 'I do not have anger issues?' he says, 'you got mad over me not getting you breakfast' I say, 'not true, there were multiple things' he says, 'whatever?' I say, 'my food better not be ruined' I say, I try pushing back, 'let go, or I will start calling you names' I say, 'considering where we are, you can't embarrress me' 'okay?, JamJam' I say, he chuckles, 'Jamie, Jamie Potter' I say, 'where's that coming from' 'James and Giant peach, well James and small Peach' I say, ... 'not going to let go?', 'tempting' he says, 'I hate you' I say finally giving up, .. 'and you seriously need a shower, smells like you slept in a cave with wolves' I say, he doesn't laugh, 'what?' I say, 'nothing?' he says and lets me go, 'you better go out there, your mother yelled at me for not wanting to add strawberries to the cake' 'I hate strawberries with cake?' he says, 'I know' I say, 'you and my mother do not get along?' he says surprised, 'shocking?, right?, I mean I obviously am not good with mother's?' I say, 'my mother is usually a catch?' 'well, I'm a bad catcher' I say, and continue working, 'so?, how long are you staying here?' I ask, 'considering your here, don't really have a reason to go back to Chicago?' he says, 'I have to keep working' 'we both know you don't need the money' he says, 'how would you know that?' I ask, 'your the kind of person you was willing to break up with me if a maid quit, if they refused to clean our apartment and said if they give up on our apartment you'd give up on me' he says, 'I'm serious, I just want to be friends' 'we dated for 17 months, I retired early cause you didn't like me leaving that much' 'ha, do you know where that got me, you only sleeping the same bed as me 2 nights a week, and sleeping on the couch more nights than you were with me' I say, 'it was a very comfortable couch' he says, 'please, just go back out there' 'where did you move?, I'll stop by?, if we are "friends", or whatever?, a friendly 3 hour visit wouldn't do any harm?' he says, I breath out and shake my head, unbelieveable, 'I could just go to the real estate and get a spare key?' 'you are so frustrating, always have to get your way' I say, 'I just know how to get it, it's called "persuassion"' he says, 'no, it's called annoying people til they get enough to you and they give you what you want' I say, ... 'fine?, you want to be friends?, I can do that?, but I am visiting' he says then walks out, and goes out to the main area, 'well?, ... would have been nice to know that you were that serious with someone' his mother says, James grabs the plate of cake, 'mmm' he says then goes and sits in a booth.

I finish work, clean up, lock up, then I go to my car, James is with his brother, 'seriously?, going to follow her like a stalker?' his brother says, 'your the one who volunteered' 'to drive you home' his brother says, I go just out of town, to a beautiful home, it use to be someone's vacation home, the guys wait just outside my property, car lights off, I get out of the car, and up to my front door, walk in, close the door and flick on a the light, 'I'm going in' 'I thought you were going to be friends?' 'visiting?, don't wait up for me' he says, 'seriously?' his brother says, 'if this fails, it's a 20 minute walks back through the fields?' James says, his brother rolls his eyes, James gets out and jumps the fence, with no issue, he jogs up the front law, then the sprinkler comes on, his brother is cracking up laughing!, and then drives away, more up the road, James checks in the window, I'm going upstairs with a bag of chips, I flick of lights, he hides, I check the door, for it to be locked, then I go upstairs, no problem, he'll go through the window!.

I sit in bed, and I'm watching "SGT.Bilko" starring Steve Martin, James is in my on-suite, he shakes his head, 'you know I hate false army movies' he says, I jump a little, 'you broke into my house?' I say, he comes out of my on-suite, 'I miss you, I know you miss me' he says and comes over, 'no, you are leaving-' 'I know the sheriff, I know his deputy, the entire police force knows me-' 'are you threatening me?' I ask, he gets on my bed and crawls over, he kisses me, 'James!' I get out of the bed, 'come on, just a little' he says, 'no, you have to leave!, now!' I say, 'you cannot say you do not feel something for me' he says, 'I want to just be friends-' 'friends?, you think we can be friends?, for 3 whole hours I was inside of you, you did not make those babies by yourself and-' 'you can have some custody' 'I want to be with you' he says, 'geese, barely back a day and you want me back?, how about you go ahead and enjoy your freedom?' 'freedom?' 'go drink?, hook up with random girls?, stay up all night?, or whatever it is that you do?, but I just need us to be friends right now' I say, he nods, he then leaves, I lock the door behind him, today has been crazy enough, maybe this could be good for the both of us?, I definitely know it will be for me, who knows maybe we can go on being friends, and parents.

It's (he's) Complicated/ Part 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora