chapter 9

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"oompa loompa body ass bi-" said donut as she snaps rubys neck
"n e ways so 😍🥰"
greenbean walks out of the bathroom and sits back next to ilovedeaddy24
donut gags "w-why is there a emo at the table... his shoes raggedy 🤢"
greenbean looks at donut and says "thats why yo mamma dead"
"dead ass hell"
"what shoes she got on?"
"in her casket?"
"thats why yo granny aint got to knees so she cant pray to jesus bitch" said greenbean
"bro chill it aint that deep 😔" donut says
sapphire looks at the tall split hair dyed man next to ilovedeaddy24 sapphire asks "are you a child predator"

"interesting question" greenbean said as he pulled out a glock and stole their drinks, and ran out of the starbucks w ilovedeaddy24
they go over to a sketchy playground and sit on the swings
ilovedeaddy24 looks at greenbean and asks "so tell me about this deaddy man..." he blushes

greenbean looks @ ilovedeaddy24 "ok lol"
"uh he was failing sex ed idk how" ilovedeaddy24 looks at greenbean with hearts in his eyes "tell me more" said ilovedeaddy24
"oh yeah he actually took my toenail collection what an ass right" says greenbean

"and most importantly...."
"that dirtbag..."

"is vegan..."
"but he raped my cat ik it doesnt make sense but hes VEGAN!!!"
"ok i need to go to my cat piss cleaner side job" greenbean says as he disappears into thin air leaving ilovedeaddy24 alone once again
suddenly a handsome, tall man sat next to ilovedeaddy24...

it was...

d e a d d y

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