Chapter 1

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Ok, let's get the facts down.

I can't remember anything, I can't feel anything, I am transparent, I appear to be very injured, I'm in an abandoned warehouse,

and I'm fairly sure that I'm dead!


That's not alot of things.

I seem to have some knowledge of the world I live in and how it works, though. I live on earth and quirks exist.

Disappointment sets in.

That's still not very much...

Certain memories popped up here and there, but nothing that told me anything about myself. Much less when I'm supposed to go from here.

Ok, ok.

Just like how I remembered what warehouses are, maybe I can try to remember things about my self?

I look like I'm 17, my eyes look cool, I think I was a student, and my name is....

My name is..


I couldn't even remember my own name...

So where do I go from here?

I slowly made my way to exit the warehouse, faint scorch marks marking the broken down walls, I stepped through, finally reaching the outside. My known world expanded as I looked out onto the sight before me. It was just more rubble. Police tape lingering on the edges of the scene.

Something happened here...

A face appears in my mind as I finally become aware of an existence other than myself. A green haired boy.

Izuku! That's right, I had a friend!

Excited filled my system, a new emotion unlocked!

Where is he, maybe I can find him. Maybe he knows who I am!

I jumped down from rumble to rumble. Running along, also something that felt quite new. I skipped to the edge of the whole destroyed area. Hoping over the police tape and landing firmly on stable ground. I had to find Izuku, my friend! Determination, that was a familiar emotion. It felt like home.

I got in position to start sprinting. Hands on the ground, my bare feet ready to move. And off I was, into the unfamiliar world, away from the broken down warehouse and rubble.

I ran, the scenery around me changed, looking like an actual town now. There was now clear evidence that there were more people that existing. So it wasn't just Izuku and I.

The sky slightly brighter than before as I kept a steady pace. Another thing I learnt about myself, I couldnt get tired. Apparently being a ghost has its benefits.


The morning arrived sooner than I thought. I had switched to walking at this point, I think its been a few hours, who knew that would time pass this quickly.

For now, my plan was to find a person, any person at all, and have them tell me where I can find Izuku.

Finally noticing a tired looking male taking an early morning stroll. His hair was a very interesting color. Purple.

I made my way up to him with determination in my steps.

"Excuse me?" I called out.

He ingnored me.

"Hey! Wait up a bit!"

I came to stood right in front of him, hoping he might acknowledge me. Butt, he kept walking, straight through me much to my surprise. Passing by without a care to my existence.

I stood there, processing what just happened.

Oh. I get it. I'm still a Ghost.

I clenched my hands, disappoint plagued my mind again.

Can... Anyone even see me?

I should have expected this, but I didn't think it would hurt this much, to be ingnored. But,

that boy...

I think I knew him.

His name, it was Hitoshi. I remember. I used to know him.

Somewhat revealed that I found someone I knew, but still dissatisfied, since I couldn't remember anything about him. I just knew his name.

The only thought in my now were just telling me to follow him. He knew Izuku, I remembered that. I didn't know how though.

I followed quietly behind him, enjoying his presence. For now he was my silent walking companion.

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