Chapter 3

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I continued along my way, only I was alone this time. No companion with me. I wasn't sure where I was going, as my only guide was already far out of sight, but eventually I would stumble along something or someone familiar, right?

The world around me had already woken up even though it was still early morning. I could hear the soft chirping of birds, and soft voices speaking to each other from their own homes. My hearing was surprisingly good.

I'd see the occasional person or car here and there, but seeing other people felt strange to me. They always looked right through me, I hated the idea that I existed to no one but myself.

I guess people would be scared if they did see me, though. I looked like I came straight out of horror movie.

Catching a glimpse of my appearance in a store window, I paused. I could still see myself at least. But since I'd woken up, I haven't actually seen what I looked like to a full extend. I've seen my face, eyes, skin, and hair, but now I could see my whole body.

And I really did look like a ghost. A torn up hero outfit, serving as a reminder of the memories that I have yet to remember. My eyes took in the reflection I was analysing, my hero costume was a simple one, none too flashy, but in an awful condition, much like the rest of me, unfortunately.

I pondered for a moment.

A hero, huh?
I wanted to be one.


"Have you decided which school you're going to?" My green friend asked as we sat on the roof together, casually consuming our lunch.

Turning to him with my mouth full of the cheap sandwich I ordered. "Of coursh I have-" pausing to swallow. "I'm gonna go to U.A.!" I proclaimed with the same firey determination.

"How else am I gonna be the best hero in the world??" I stated as if it were obvious.

"I guess with your quirk, it would be pretty easy, huh?"

"You're gonna join U.A. two years after me though, right?" I questioned. I was 2 years his senior, so by the time he would finally join U.A. with me, I'd already be a 3rd year. We both dreamt of being heros, and I knew would both succeed in becoming so.

He replied softly "Do you think I could make it in? Even though I'm-"

"Of course I do!" I affirmed.

He stared at me with a surprised  expression for a few moments before giving me a gentle smile.

"You really would be a great hero, (y/n)." He said looking back down, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yep" I beamed.

As the new memory came back to me,  all the pleasant emotions I associated with it caused a smile small to appear. We were good friends, weren't we. I couldn't wait to find my dear friend again.

I looked back to my reflection once more, pleasantly surprised to find some of my bruises had healed, I still looked very dead for sure, my skin still lacking any color at all, but the improvement still felt nice.

Back to walking then.

I went to U.A. then right? I could find out more if I found it.

Walking through the familiar town, the place around me became a stark contrast to myself. Everything looked so colorful, and the people I watched looked so alive.

Did it look this pretty when I was alive too?

Ghost [Bnha Reader Insert]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora