Chapter 2

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I followed Hitoshi for a while, with all the confusion going on inside my head, it was comforting to take a silent stroll with someone I knew. I still couldn't remember much, but I pretended to reminisce on any memory I might have.

Hitoshi was a very peculiar guy, from his sleepy eyes, to his disinterested strides. I watched as he slowed down to watch a stray cat walking along.

He must have liked cats, that seems alot like him.

Focused so much on analysing every detail about him, I had just noticed the playground we had walked by.

That playground...

I think... I've been there before

I paused, standing and staring at the play set. Hitoshi was already quite a few steps ahead of me. I guess that I should just let him go.

Separated from my companion, I sat on the rusty swing set.

My mind filled with nostalgia, a distant memory surfaced to my mind


I saw a younger version of myself. Just a cute little girl, no cuts or bruises.

I was sitting on the same swing, my big eyes watching the cloud pass by while humming a familiar tune to myself. A small smile on my face.

Oh, it was so peaceful.

Or at least it was until I heard yelling from the other side of the playground.

"Stop it Kacchan!"

"Huh, what makes you think you can stop me, Deku!?! You're just a quirkless piece of trash!"

I turn to my head to witness the situation. A spikey haired boy and his lackies, bullying a cowering boy with green hair.

Before I could make any decisions, my body moved in it's own. I jump off the swing and ran up to them.

"Hey!" My determined voice grabbing their attention.

I took my place standing firmly in front the the green haired boy to protect him, my arms stretched out so that spikey boy wouldn't go past me.

"Leave him alone!"

"Who the hell are you? Get out of here!" Spikey boy yelled at me.

"No! I'm not gonna stand by and watch you hurt him!"

His face turning even more menacing than before, despite that he turned away.

"Tch, what a waste of time." Hands in his pockets as he grumbled, stomping off.

Easier than I thought, I relished my small victory. But my attention was soon caught by the green haired boy I just rescued.

"You didn't have to do that, you could have gotten hurt.." He spoke whimpering.

I turned to face him, hands on my hips and confidence in my eyes.

"What do you mean? Of course I had to help you! I'm gonna be a hero after all!"

"A hero..." His eye switched from worry to admiration.

"That's so cool!" He beamed.

"Yep!" I held out my hand to him, helping off the ground.

"My name's Midoriya Izuku!" He spoke, still clutching my hand.

My face stretched into a big closed eye smile.

"Ok Izuku! My name's (y/n)! Let's be friends!"

If he didn't look happy then, he for sure looked overjoyed now.


The memory was so short, but even so, the thought of it made a smile graze my lips.


That's what my name was.

And not only that but I remembered more of Izuku, along with an angry spikey boy.

I lifted my hands again, just like before, examining them. They were still so ugly, but perhaps I hurt myself protecting someone, I wasn't completely sure, but the thought brought me comfort. I had died somehow, that's why I'm a ghost, right?

My objective had widened from that thought.

What did happened?

I should keep walking around, maybe Ill find some more of my memories.

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