Chapter 6

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(This whole chapter is Bakugou telling you about your past)

"Hey Izuku!!!! Guess what I just got!!!" A certain firey girl called out to her friend, while another certain spike ball couldn't help but over hear her call.

"(Y/n)? Is that what I think it is??" Izuku replied as he peered at the envelope she waved around with her callused hand.

"Yep." She replied proudly.

It was during the lunch period, I my a week after (y/n) had taken her enterance exam to the one and only U.A. Izuku was in the hallway on his way to their usual lunch spot, while Bakugou who was just passing by, caught onto their conversation.

"The results to my entrance exam." She stated confidently.

"I wanted to open it with you, so I have no idea what's inside this envelope yet, Izuku."

Izuku was taken aback for a moment, then started tearing up.

"You didn't have to wait for me to see it, you could've just opened it right away." He really did have such a kind friend, that she waited to open her results until he was there with her too.

"Ahh, who cares? The results are the same regardless." Her hands trembling with excitement, she had put alot of effort to restraint herself from opening her letter right away.

"Stop with the mushy friendship stuff already, it makes me wanna throw up" Bakugou.

"Ah Spikey! Do perhaps want to know what my result are too??" She smiled but not very genuinely.

"Why would I? I already know you failed in every way possible, dip stick." He growled

Izuku piped in, "Just please don't try to fight each other again" he sweat dropped.


Grabbing the attention of everyone around them.

"I think it's time we find out how well I actually did!"

Envelope in hand, she tears it open!

Izuku and Bakugou quickly go to look over her shoulder to read her result with her. Bakugou said he doesn't care, but we all kniw he did.

(Y/n) took a breath before slowly taking out the paper containing the results from the envelope. Opening the letter, she and now a dozen people peering over her shoulder got a good look at the what was written in bold letter on the paper.

"No. Fucking. Way." Spikey muttered as his eyes widen with shock.

"Oh my gosh!!" Izuku exclaimed as his eyes widen in excited.

A series of muttered and surprised looks fell apon the now many students crowded behind her to see.

(Y/n) (l/n), 1st place in the practical exam.... Perfect score on the written exam........

Accepted in U.A.

"YES FUCKING WAY!!!" she cheered, pumping her fist in the air

"I knew you could do it!!!" Izuku cheered her on as she celebrated.

Bakugou Stood stood there refusing to react in any positive way, although a slither of a smile creeped its way into his face. He'd never admit it, but he was hoping she'd get in, but only a little. He didn't actually care for her or anything.

"So you managed to fluke your way into U.A. big deal." He grumbled

"Big deal indeed!" She stated. "I just hope your poor little ego isn't too insulted that I got in." The (h/c) haired girl fake cried.

"Oh shut up dumbass! They'll probably kick you out after the first week!" He smirked.

"Yeah, yeah, keep dreaming spikey!" She winked as she grabbed her green friend to finally leave him and his ego alone.

Bakugo was definitely not effected at all by the firey girl winking at him. He felt perfectly fine and his face was a complete normal shade. He grumbled as he headed back to the cafeteria.


School had ended, at this point (y/n) and the green bean were walking home together, having a mini celebration.

"You're so amazing, (y/n), first place in the practical exam, that's really cool!!" The curly haired boy exclaimed.

"It's no big deal really." She nonchalantly replied. It was definitely a big deal, and she definitely wanted to brag about it.

"Besides, in 2 years it's gonna be you receiving the acceptance letter right?" She smiled.

A sad smile grazed his lips, "As much as I want to be a hero, I don't think I'll ever be able to do as good as yo-"

"Oh shut up about that already! You're gonna become a hero, and you're gonna become a great one at that." She Interrupted.

"What make you so sure?" He shyly looked towards his best friend.

"Because I said so! So if you ended up not becoming a hero, then I'd end up becoming a liar." She exclaimed

She paused in her steps for a moment to look at him.

"And you know I'm not a liar" The girl finished.

Izuku smiled lightly, a faint blush covering his cheeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2020 ⏰

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