Episode 1 - Chapter 4 part 1 - Hershel's Farm

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When the next scene began, Kenny found himself very nervous. He couldn't help it. It was only the next day on the screen that Shawn would be killed. And he felt that it was all his fault. Silently, he wished for the footage to just stop...to just disappear into thin air so that he won't have to relive the moment. Before, he hadn't seen Shawn die since he ran away. Would it show his death this time around?

It's nighttime when the group reaches Shawn's family's farm.

Everyone gets out of the truck. Chet stretches his arms.

Chet: Hey, Shawn... I'm'a run on home. My mama's gonna be in a snit.

Shawn: No sweat, man. I'll catch you tomorrow night.

"If only that were true" Kenny grumbled under his breath. If only the person who had brought them here picked them from further back in time then they would be able to save Shawn. Maybe he would even be in this very room?

Chet turns to Lee and Clementine.

Chet: It was nice to meet ya both.

Lee waves goodbye and Chet leaves.

The front door opens and Shawn's father, Hershel, emerges.

Hershel: Thank god you're okay.

Shawn: I was worried it'd be bad here, too.

Shawn hugs his father.

Hershel: Been quiet as usual the past couple days. Ol' Breckon down the way thinks his mare's gone lame but that ain't nothing new.

Shawn: I wouldn't have made it back without Chet.

Hershel: Well, I'm glad you took him with you then.

Hershel turns to Lee and Clementine and puts his hands on his hips.

Hershel: You've brought a couple guests.

Lee: Your boy's a lifesaver.

Hershel: Glad he could be of help to somebody.

A few people chuckled to this.

Hershel: So it's just you and your daughter then.

Shawn: Oh, not his daughter, he's...well... Just some guy who found her alone.

Lee nodded his head at how Carley stated that saying he was just some guy sounded suspicious. He really needed to become a better lier or maybe bad things would start to happen.
"For once, Carley, you make a good point" Larry uttered. Carley and Doug both glared at him which made him roll his eyes and face the screen again.
"Larry, what exactly is your problem with Lee and Carley?" Glenn inquired as he noticed that Larry was picking on Lee and Carley the most.
"None of your business, kid!" Larry snapped which caused Glenn to frown.
"Larry, if I were you, I'd watch my mouth." Lee stated. Before anything could get heated, the screen started to play again.

Hershel kneels down in front of Clementine.

Hershel: Honey, do you know this man?

Clementine: Yes.

Hershel: Okay, then.

Hershel gets up.

Hershel: Well, looks like you hurt your leg pretty bad there.

Lee: Yeah, it's not doing so good.

Hershel: I can help you out. Shawn, run on in and check on your sister. You, take a seat up on the porch and I'll go see what I have.

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