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Yamaguchi's POV

          I roll over in bed and bury my face in my pillow. I sit up, avoiding the rays of light flooding into my room though the window to my left. Yellow flowers fill the window sill, Tsukishima brought them yesterday, He knows I like yellow. I blush at the though of him and bask in the morning light. 

           All of the sudden I start to cough and I can't seem to catch my breath. My lungs feels like its filling with something I can't see. I get up out of bed and rush over to the door that opens to the bathroom in my room. I open it as quickly as I can and rush over over to the sink. I start to cough, the same yellow flowers that are in my window and blood spill out of my mouth. 

           I wipe the blood off of my lips and stare into the sink. Blood.. Flowers.. Coughing.. I wash the blood out of my sink and pick all the flowers out of the water. I put all the flowers with the other one's Tsukishima picked for me, considering they match I might as well before walking back into my bathroom. I look over my face in the mirror and notice a small blood smear on my lip. I wash my face and look into the mirror again as I try to catch my breath again. 

          I can feel my cat, Niki rub up against my leg. "Hey g-goodmorning Ni-" I start to say before I start coughing again and I try to cover my mouth with my hand but blood and flowers still cover the sink and this time my hand. I turn on the sink, cleaning off my hand, face and sink again. Once again I put the flowers on my window sill with the others. "I'm sorry Niki" I say and pick up my fluffy ginger cat. "You didn't have to see that." I say and rock my cat back and fourth in my arms before she mews and I put her back down. 

          I slowly change into my uniform waiting for another coughing fit, and trying to think over what my mom told me about our families medical history. "Yamaguchi open up!" Tsukishima says though my door. Even since his mom moved in next door we've been walking to school together. "I'm coming hold on!" I yell back and try to force another coughing fit down. 

          I race into my bathroom and cough up flowers and blood for the third time this morning. I rinse out my sink for the third time, this time leaving the flowers in the sink. "I'm coming." I say for the second time and actually open the door to my room, my cat following me and rubs up on Tsukishima's leg. "What took you so long?" "I was dealing with something" I say and slide the door to my room shut. 

            We walk down the street and to school. My chest hurts so much but I don't want to do anything about it, Tsukishima would know whats wrong with me if I did. The wind messes with my hair as he talks about the physics of something. I have no idea what he's saying, i'm ignoring him. I'm trying to figure out what to do.

I'm trying to figure out how to survive Hanahaki disease. 

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