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Tsukki's POV (It's obviously not Yam's he pulled at Daichi in season 2)

As I walk down the sidewalk I spot a patch of little white-ish- purple-ish daisies with little green stems. I'm so sick of daisies now- ever since Yamaguchi died they've kinda been everywhere in my life. Making my life harder. It's been a couple months. I've heard my mom say that i'm burying my feelings, she doesn't actually know how much my feelings are spilling out. The team was devastated after his death. 

All of the sudden I start to run because of the feeling of something filling my lungs- I've learned this feeling well by now. I race down the street and slam open the door to my room, holding my breath the entire time. As soon as the door shuts I double over and start to cough up small little daisies and blood. 

I fall onto my side and cover my mouth with my hands. Maybe I should just let myself die instead of fighting so much. Then I'll finally be with Yama... I killed him, its not like I don't deserve it. My throat hurts and I keep hacking up blood and flowers. Blood stains the collar of my shirt and my hands. 

I slowly sit up on my knees and keep coughing up flowers. I'm probably going to die because of this. I refused to get the surgery and I can't tell Yamaguchi- I don't even care anymore. If I die it doesn't matter. I keep coughing and wheezing, my lungs and throat is raw and scratchy. As always. 

Nobody knows i'm sick. I don't want anyone knowing, I don't want the questions that come with them knowing. I can't stop coughing any more. Blood and flowers cover my hands and spill out of my mouth as every last bit of air in my lungs escapes. I'm slowly getting more and more light headed and everything seems so spin. Every time I blink I seem to dip out of consciousness. I keep coughing and coughing. I keep gasping for breath but it never works. I cough and cough until theirs nothing left in my lungs- not even air. 

I fall backwards and my eyes finally shut for the last time as everything goes black. 

I knew it was coming. I knew I was going to die eventually. Maybe I'll be with Yamaguchi finally. Maybe he'll be wherever I go next. When I open my eyes everything is a glowy-soft white color. well- theres nothing but the glowy-soft white color. When I drag my hand up over my head the air swims though my hands- its just as soft and thick feeling as it looks. I seem to be floating- my glasses float closer to me and I reach out to grab them. I'm absolutely blind without them. 

"Tsukki? Is that you?" 

I turn around and see Yamaguchi standing next to me. "Yams" I sigh and race over to him. He opens his arms to great me and I launch myself at him, wrapping my arms around him. "I missed you so much." I sigh and he laughs. "I missed you too" He says and smiles. I missed him so much, his freckles and his hair and his eyes. If he's here, then i'm gone. Its finally over. I can feel tears brimming my eyes and I slowly let go of him. "I love you too" I say and he smiles before pulling me into a kiss. Better late then never. 

Were finally together. Finally. 

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