Chapter 1

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Tsukishima's POV

              All day I could tell something was wrong with Yamaguchi. He would run off during class or lunch  or even practice, clutching his chest or his mouth. It isn't normal for him. Something's off. I can't place whats wrong, but somethings wrong. I watch his freckled face as he runs off again and I slowly change out of my white shirt and black shorts and into my uniform. He slowly comes out of the bathroom, wiping something off of his lips. "You ready Yamaguchi?" I ask and sling both his and my bag over my shoulder. "Uh yeah." He says and slams his locker shut. "Lets get going home." I say and hit the door in the gym open with my back. 

               "You remember when we were watching that stars and you said that if I wanted you would steal me a star?" Yamaguchi says and we walk down the sidewalk. "Uh yeah. I do?" I mutter and keep walking. "That was nice of you" He says and smiles, looking up at me. "Entirely random, out of the fucking blue Yama." I joke. "I guess." He says. 

               We walk up to the porch of his house and he opens the door. "Wanna come in? Get a snack?" He says and opens the door, inviting me in. "Sure, why not?" I say and shrug, both of us walking though the door. 

                 He walks though his house to the back room that I know is his. I chuck his bag in and look around to try and find anything that might tell me whats wrong with him. I swear there were less flowers in his window sill last night when I gave them to him. Somethings wrong with him for sure. 

                "TSUKI YOU WANT ANYTHING TO DRINK?" Yamaguchi yells from the kitchen. "JUST GRAB ME A GLASS OF WATER" I yell and walk into his room. I look around trying to find anything else in his room that could tell me whats wrong. I search his desk but find nothing. His cat walks over to me and starts making a racket. "Sush" I mumble and walk into his bathroom, searching for anything, literally anything, that might help me figure this out. The sink is full of more flowers, and something red is wiped on the underside of the sink. "Whats going on Niki?" I ask his cat quietly. 

                I shut the door and walk into the kitchen, still trying to figure out whats wrong with him. He hands me a glass full of water before he runs off, covering his mouth, into his room. I quietly follow him and hear him coughing and wheezing. I hear the sink run and I head back down the hallway and sit back down where I was. "You okay?" I ask as he sits down across from me. "Hmm? Yeah fine." He says and chugs his glass of orange juice. "Okay.." I say slowly and try to watch him for any more signs of anything. I'm grasping at straws here. He's not gonna tell me whats wrong with him, I'm just gonna have to find it out my self. 

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