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Sorry for the long break you guys! Things have been a bit hard due to everything going on the world aka BLM, ACAB, etc...all that stuff. But I'm back, I'm safe, and I hope you guys are as well😊

However, please remember that if you are protesting, stay safe, and get away from there as fast as possible if things turn violent. Bring masks and water to try and avoid being affected by tear gas, and help others if you can. If you are a minor who can't protest, don't think that this is the only way! There are petitions you can sign, and if possible, you can donate money as well. I also know for a fact that a majority of you probably have social media (Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, etc.) so help spread the word!

This goes out to everyone, EDUCATE YOURSELF. Fact check what you find, and if you have an African American friend, don't ask them to educate you. They are fighting for their lives and rights. And before anyone says that "All Lives Matter" please know that I know that, as well as everyone else. Of course everyone's lives matter, but have you ever had to fight for yours? Saying all lives matter is the same as saying "everyone deserves food" but not serving a black person food. It's not appropriate to say while they die left and right.

I don't support racism, or Trump, nor will I ever. I refuse to watch my black brothers and sisters, nieces or nephews, lose their lives just because of the color of their skin. The current system is corrupt, and I refuse to stand for it. Cops murder African Americans, and are most never charged for it. It took all 50 states, the Amish, Witches, Anonymous to come back, and much more in order for the officer who killed George Floyd to be charged with 2nd Degree Murder, and not 3rd.

Said officer used a chokehold on George Floyd that is registered as lethal, and is not allowed to be used. It is illegal to use tear gas in warfare, but somehow it's allowed to be used on citizens? Rubber bullets are supposed to be shot at the ground so that it'll bounce and hit an object, yet officers shoot them directly at protesters. The last time a president went into hiding was in 1992. Donald Trump RAPED children, yet no one knew because Trump paid off the families of those children.

As I stated earlier, I refuse to tolerate an unjust system.

I am not black, but I see you.
I am not black, but I hear you.
I am not black, but I stand with you.

You matter. Your kids matter. Your FAMILY matters.

This is a change that the world needs, and it will happen.

Thank you for listening to this. Another chapter of "The Monsters Within" will be uploaded soon.

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