A continuation

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So I believe this is the best book to see this rant in so please bear with me. I also apologise if anything I've said is wrong or doesn't sound correct. I'm not the most educated on specifics or stats, but I spoke what I thought is correct.


I really want to rant about this, so if you don't want to read this just ignore it

But just because someone has more fucking melanin in their skin doesn't mean they're more likely to fucking commit a crime than the palest fucker going. If you think that then sorry but you're a racist.

Racism within justice systems is a serious ducking problem and it needs fucking solving. I'm not entirely educated on it, but I am aware it exists. I'm aware white privilege exists and it fucking sucks. As a white person, I should be punished equally to anyone of colour just as much as they should be treated equally to me. If a cop shows signs of acting on racially motivated whims instead of staying on the side of the law, they should be arrested not just fired! The lack of punishment for them is also a lack of education for the future.

There is no difference between me and any black person, any Latino person or any Asian person. I am just the same as them and they're just as valid as any fucking white person. If you think they're less than that then you've got fucking problems. (I'm sorry for swearing so much but I'm extremely pissed off about this.) If you think any person who is a victim of racism deserved it then you are a part of the fucking problem. NO ONE SHOULD HAVE TO FEAR BEING BEATEN BY THE COPS BECAUSE THEY'RE MEANT TO PROTECT US!

Dylan Roof shot up a black church and killed 9 people inside of it. He was arrested calmly. He KILLED 9 innocent people. George Floyd allegedly wrote a bad cheque and he was choked to the point of death. Unfair treatment. Racism.

Patrick Crusius attacked a Walmart and killed 23 people. Most being Latino. He was arrested calmly. Eric Garner was supposedly seeing cigs without a license and was chocked to death while surrendering. Again, this is very much racist.

Now I don't care if they all committed the same crime or different crimes, the police should act accordingly and give them safe treatment. THEY ALL SHOULD'VE BEEN ARRESTED CALMLY.

In March, Breonna Taylor was shot 8 times by police during a narcotics raid. Currently, the FBI are looking into this but the department is taking no responsibility for her death. She was a health worker. She didn't deserve that.

There are so many more people who are wrongfully killed DAILY by police and it's wrong. The minorities have been facing this battle for 400 years... not the past few days and it's time for people to open their fucking eyes. That list of innocent black men and women will only grow longer if we continue to allow this shot to happen. The "freedom" governments claim to give you is covered in the blood of the innocent and we shouldn't stand for it anymore.

There is no freedom in a country that allows its law enforcement to wrongfully kill people and get away with it. There just isn't.

People shouldn't look at a black man/woman and immediately think whatever they're doing is illegal. People shouldn't look at a Latino person and immediately think they're an immigrant. People shouldn't look at a Muslim person and immediately think terrorist. People shouldn't look at an Asian person and think they all have COVID-19 etc.

It's not all cops and I know that, but it is enough to diminish our trust in them. Enough of them see colour and race before they understand the severity of the issue they actually need to resolve that it's destroying the trust we should have in them even more.

Now, I am not black. I'm white. So I can only empathise with the pain any of you have ever felt and trust me when I say my heart breaks for all of you. I'm so fucking sorry that you have to live in fear of a system that is meant to keep you safe, that you've faced discrimination for 400 long years, that governments aren't protecting you as you deserve and that you're not getting justice for any of it. I stand with you in these hard times and please trust me when I say you're my family now. Not by blood but by species. You bleed the same colour blood as me and you cry the same colour tears as me and you're trying to get through the same struggle called life that I am so as far as I'm concerned you're worthy of everything any white person is.

The police who hurt you, who kill your children, your parents, your uncles, your cousins and those who diminish you should be arrested. Not just fired. I don't care what they say, they MURDERED him. Streets have had your blood spilt on them for far too long and I'm sorry. THE FREEDOM OF COUNTRIES IS BUILT ON THE BLOOD OF THE INNOCENT AND IT'S TIME TO STOP THAT.

I'm not an American, but whenever I hear about an innocent person being killed by the police my heart aches for you all. It aches for any innocent person killed by police anywhere in the world. So, I just want to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything you've ever gone through.

That cop that held George Floyd in that chokehold needs to be charged for murder. That chokehold is illegal in the fucking MMA because it can kill people. From Twitter feeds I've read he also seems to have a history of racist acts. That cop did what he did knowing he was hurting and killing Floyd and for that, he deserves more punishment. All of the cops that were present do. He was telling them he couldn't breathe for god's sake and as they were putting pressure on his artery, they cut off blood flow. They killed him. Derek Chauvin killed him.

GEORGE FLOYD DESERVES JUSTICE! THE BLACK COMMUNITY DESERVES JUSTICE. Not just for the minutes of pain George went through, but also for the 400 years of institutionalised racism they've lived through.

Hiding behind their badges is no longer okay. Hiding behind the front of "We're just doing our job" is no longer okay.

Please just remember that all skin tones are beautiful. That black lives matter. That racism should never be tolerated. That no matter your race, ethnicity, origins or religion you deserve the right to be safe and you're human no matter what.

I don't care if you're blue, orange, black, white, Christian, Islam, Japanese or Jamaican just know that you're welcome here and you're safe. I don't care about where you started in life or where you are now, you're my family and I will stand by you no matter what.

The black community is one of many that has always and will always have my undying support. So, in this time of injustice, I am with you. Through all of it.

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