Chapter 5 A Real mission

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NeXxxT Part.

Sasuke:Sasuke I'm at point B

Sakura:sakutan im at point C

Y/n:y/n I'm at point D

Naruto:I'm at point A believe it!

Kakashi:your to slow naruto.

I jumped three the trees, I stayed high.

Kakashi:What's your distance from the target?

Naruto:five meters give the signal I'm ready.

Sasuke: I'm ready too.

Sakura:so am I.

Y/n:I'm also.

Kakashi:is everyone else in position around the target.


Sasuke:I'm in position

Kakashi:Alright, now.


Naruto pounched onto our target securing him.

Y/n:well that was easy.

Naruto:ahh you stupid cat ahh.

Kakashi:can you verify ribbon right ear.

I pull the the frantic cat of of naruto as it tried to crawl and bite everything to get free.

Sasuke:affirmative identity of target confirmed.

Kakashi:Lost pet tora caputed mission accomplished.


We make our way back to the academy building and dropp of the pet.

Tora's owner was somthering her him.

Naruto:stupid cat that thing deserves to get squashed.

Sakura:no wonder he ran away.

Hiruzen:for squads seven next mission we have several available tasks. Baby sitting the chief councilors three year old, helping his wife with shopping, digging up potatoes and-

Naruto:nnoooo! I want to go on a real mission something challenging and exciting, not this little kid stuff.

Sasuke:'hes got a point.'

Sakura:'he's such a pain.'

Y/n:'Did I leave my stove in?'

Kakashi:*sigh*'I knee this would happen. '

Iruka:how Dare you! your just a new genin with no experience, we give you simple missions to Hone your skills and prove your self!

Naruto:are you serious. Baby sitting is not a mission it's just a stupid-

Kakashi-sensai slapped him down.

Kakashi:will you pit a lid on it.

Hiruzen:naruto it's seems you don't tnot uderstand the types of tasks that come into our village everyday. From baby-sitting to assassinations. Each request is ranked by difficulty A,B,C,D. We ninja are ranked as well according you genin are the lowest rank of ninja and receive the lowest ranked missions-

Naruto:so I had this tonkatsu ramen yesterday, and I'm thinking miro ramen today and-


Kakashi:oh sorry.

Naruto:you always lecture me like your my grand father,  but I'm the little brat that used to play pranks all the time. I'm a ninja nkw and I want a ninja mission.

He turned around and started pouting.

Kakashi:I'm going to hear about this later.

Hiruzen:naruto wants us to know that he not a brat anymore, he's a former brat and he wants a mission so be it. Since you are so determined I will give you a c-ranked mission, you will be body guards on journey.

Y/n:'still sounds boring.'

Naruto:really....yes! Who are we guarding. A princess or some consiler.

Hiruzen:Don't be so impatient. I'll bring them in now.  bring in the visiter.

We waited for a few seconds. As the the door opened to and old man.

??????:what the a bunch of snot nosed kids.

He took a swig of his saki(I think is hard yo tell)

??????:and you the one with the idiotic look on you face, do you really expect me to believe that your a ninja.

Naruto:whos the the little one with the idiotic look on his- oh.  I demolish you let me get my hands on him I'll destroy him.

Kakashi-sensai held him back as I face palmed.

Y/n:'the future hokage everyone'

Kakashi:You can't demolish the client naruto that not how it works.

Tazuna:I am tazuna a master bridge builder and I must return to my country. I am building a bridge there that will change our world, and I expect you to get me there safely, even if it means giving up your life.

Y/n:wait you can master bridge building?

Everyone looks at me like.


The team packed rsady for the journey ahead.

We were passing threw the gate of the suprisingly not so hidden leaf village.

I was enjoying a fresh apple the calmnsss of the forest interrupted by...

Naruto:yeah! All right!!

Sakura:what are you so happy about?

Naruto:this is the first time I ever left the village I'm a traveler now, believe it.

Tazuna:Am I really suppose to trust my life to this runt, hes a joke.

Kakashi:he's with me and I'm a jounin,  so you don't need to worry.

Naruto:hey never insult a ninja its a big mistake and I'm one of the greatest ninja ever. Someday I'll be hokage abd you'll look up to me, my names Naruto Uzumaki.

Tazuna:hokage are powerful abd wise,  you and puny and brainless the day you become hokage is the day I sprout wings and fly.

Naruto:aah shut up! I will do anything to become hokage, no matter what it takes! And when I do everyone will have to admit that I'm the top ninja,  including you!

Tazuna:you can become hokage 10 times over, and to me youcll still be a loser.

Naruto:I'm gonna make you pay.

Kakashi:I told you we're supposed to protect the client.

We kept on our path threw the forest it was peaceful and boring.

Y/n:So Mr.Tazuna, I'm confused.

Tazuna:what is it?

Y/ you exactly, master bridge building?

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