Chapter 10 Where a hero once lived.

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NeXxxT Part.

Sakura and I sat on the bridge. I was sharpening my sword.

Sakura yawned as Mister tazuna and the others were working hard.


Tazuna:you always this lazy? Where's the blonde kid and the one with the additude.

Y/n:there's still training in the Forest.

Tazina:too tough?

Y/n:no, suprizingly sakura is good at it. An I have a lot of practice. That's actually why we're here since we're the best at it.

Sakura:what do you mean surprisingly?

Y/n:You know what I mean.


??????:hey tazuna, I gotta talk to you about something.

Tazuna:yeah what is it?

??????:i've been thinking about the bridge, and I decided I pushed my luck far enough. I want out.

Tazuna:what! Now you're deciding to quit on me!

??????:I stayed on because of our friendship, but I'm putting my life on the line every-day I spend out here. Gato and his thug will show up eventually. When they do they'll kill you and the bridge won't get finished anyway.

Y/n:'I don't blame him, Having kids as a protesters isn't reassuring. '

??????:It's a lost cause, tazuna. Why don't we give up on this while we can still get out of this alive.

Tazuna:no chance, this is our bridge. Our island is poor and it will stay that way until this bridge connects to the main land.Commerce, trade, and hope that's what were building here.

??????:there's not going to be much hope when were all dead.

Tazuna:it's already noon let's break for lunch.

??????:tazuna, I what want to end it like this.

Tazuna:save your breath. And Giichi don't bother coming back after lunch.

With naruto and sasuke.

The two where breathing heavily there training seemed to be paying off the marks on either tree were constantly elevating showing there speady growth in chakra control.


We were walked along side mister tazuna into town seeing the state of the people so many kids on the streets.

Sakura:what are we doing here?

Tazuna:you want to eat don't you, I've gotta pick up somethings for dinner.

We went into a store seeing the pitiful food they had on the shelves.

Sakura:you pervert!!!

Y/n:what i didn't do anything yet-

I turn back seeing her kicking an a bald guy.

Y/n: oh, him.

We shortly leave after walking backing.

Tazuna:wow, you really suprized me back there, girls don't usually fight like that.

Sakura:Well they should something's seriously wrong here. And you if you ever try anything pervy on me I'll knock your head off.

Y/n:eh, no promises.

Sakura:grrr, hey buster!!!!


I turn back to sakura seeing a kid. Holding out there hands. Sakura gives her(I think) some candy I walk over giving her a healthier option my last glorious apple.

????:thank you?

Y/n:no problem try to stay safe okay.

I say patting her head she ran away.

Tazuna:this us how it's been since gato came, the children suffer and the adults are to afraid to do anything. They've lost hope, that's why we have to finish the bridge.

We get back to tazunas home, kakashi-sensai was able to move without his crutches. Everyone was eating dinner. Naruto and sasuke were going especially fast, I watched as they stuffed there faces, a vomitted.

Sakura:Don't eat so much if your gonna puke it up!!

Sasuke:I have to eat.

Naruto:and I have to eat more than him that's the only possible way ill get strong enough to beat him.

Kakashi:that's true, but puking won't help you.

We all finished eating dinner. I kept quiet for most if it.

Sakura:excuse me but this picture is ripped, is there any reason for that. Inari you were glancing at it all throughout dinner.

Tsunami:It's my Husband.

Tazuna:they used to call him a hero in this land.

Inari got up and walked out of the door.

Tsunani:inari were are you going?!

She went to the door.

Tsunami:Father you can't talk like that about him in front of inari. You know that.

She left to look for her son, as the room was quiet

Sakura:Inari's so.... What happened to him?

Y/n:You asked a question that steuc a nerve with inari. You could've eased into it better.

Kakashi:hhm... If you don't mind me asking what's the story to this.

Tazuna:he wasn't his eal father he Came into our family much later. As nd he brought so much happeness. He
and inari were very close. In those days inari used to laugh all of the time. But then....

Mister Tazuna became visibility shaken.

Tazuna:he never laughs or smiles anymore ever since that day everything changed. Ever since that day ever since it happened. First you'll need to learn about the man his father. The man who taught us the word courage and was ahero in this land. He came here about three years ago.

Tazuna told us the story of kaiza, and how inari looked up to him like his real father. He saved the land of Waves on his own. Then Gato came and destroyed him aswell as the hope of the people. (I wrote out the entire story but it didn't save right, I'm sorry)

Everyone else was quiet. One phase echoed in you head.

"live your life so you have nothing to regret. "

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