May 29: A Day

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It's funny how, some days, things just... happen. 

I went to a pond to go for a swim in the early afternoon. There I saw a big gray dog in the shallows. Its owner was throwing a ball into the pond, and the dog was leaping joyously in after it. As I swam further and further from the shore, I could still hear the splash of the dog leaping into the water. When I came back in the owner was still throwing the ball.

"Just one more throw!" she said to the dog. To me, she sighed and said, "She just doesn't want to leave."

"Having too much fun!" I replied with a laugh.

Eventually, both woman and dog got into their custom-designed purple pickup truck and left.

As I was leaving the pond, I stopped for a turtle in the road. It sat completely still as I took pictures. It was very polite, and let me get as close as I liked. I even used the portrait setting on my phone camera. The lighting was a bit strong, but I now have some lovely pictures of a painted turtle in the road.

I felt so excited when I saw the turtle, but it turns out it was the most common species of turtle in North America. I suppose things don't always have to be special, but it felt special. 

When I got home I went on FaceTime with my friend for three hours. We watched the first six episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender because she had never seen it before. I got to rewatch it for the first time in about ten years. It was nice.

Just a few minutes ago, I cut a watermelon with a giant knife. It made a satisfying crunching noise and I got juice all over my hands. I am now listening to "Watermelon Sugar" whilst munching on watermelon.

It's funny, too, how sometimes I just know what to write. Some days, I spend ages agonizing over what to say, but today I just sat down and the words came pouring out.

Some days, things just... happen.

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