July 27: A Deluge

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I stood outside in a thunderstorm

and let the deluge soak me to the skin.

I'm not sure why I did it.

I was wearing spandex and a sports bra,

about to take a bath,

when a peal of thunder ripped through the sky,

and rain came pouring out of the hole it left behind.

I stepped out into the tempest, shuddering and twitching

like a severed limb of an octopus.

The rain was cold and relentless—

every drop an electric shock to my system.

But I stood at its mercy, letting it batter me back and forth.

I felt the water running down my face and legs in little streams,

and my chest was heaving from no exertion at all.

Afterwards... I went inside.

I was soaking wet, and promptly took my bath.

The moment had past...

leaving behind


No message.

No meaning.

No risk.

No repercussions.

I took the storm into myself and made it a part of me,

and it hardly knew I was there. 

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