chapter two

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Five years later...

Rose pov

I wake Up bright and early, which dad says is nice for a change. It's my 5th year at Hogwarts and I just turned 16 about a Month ago and I can't wait to go back to my second home. I start getting ready and I start daydreaming, I guess some things never change. My first 5 years were great, awesome grades, awesome friends. But I'm at the age where... Having a mom would be great. Dad helps out but he's not great you know. despite that, I'm ready for another year! after getting ready I go downstairs.

"Mmmm hey papa what smells so good" I said nose in the air.

"Im making waffles sweety"

"W-waffles?" crap..

I still remember that day. I swear that guy ruined waffles for me, I sighed.

"Whats wrong?..." dad asked , he seemed worried.

"Nothing pa, im just tired. Woke up too early."

After an awesome breakfast dad droped me off like usual, but this time, well...

"Youre gonna be ok right?

"Yes ...."

"Are you sure what if-"


"Maybe I should stay with you."

"Sweety leave ik u want to and I'll be fine thank you very much."


"Hehe when did u become a worry wort."

"Guess I'll just Miss you... and I worry about you."

"Me too pumpkin but I'll see u in Christmas, yes?"

"Yeah!" I kiss my dad goodbye, take my stuff and owl and leave. Idk why but I'm getting so emotional. I get to the station and see my crew all gathered up already. First one to see me is nova, who comes running at me. I hug her back and then hug everyone else, I missed them. We started talking a bit when... We heard a racket. It was the most annoying Slytherin gang.

"Ugh the Slytherin lords" daisy said.

They had the reputation for being total asses and still getting away with everything. Also, straight A students, they could get any girl they wanted all cuz they were hot or whatever and their leader is none other than Artorias Highwind , Mr. waffles himself. After I learned who he was the whole swooning thing never happened again. All his gang did was torture new year students and then bully anyone else who's not in their house. Forget who his family is, he's just a jerk.

"People say the power of having a powerful dad got to him" dizzy said in a sigh "oh what might have been if he hung around good people."

"it's so annoying, even for me. He puts in no effort. I mean he can do whatever and if he gets in trouble all he gets is a slap on the wrist" nova added.

"Guys can we stop talking about the dumb boys" jenny said.

"I agree." nick added.

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