chapter seven

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*Artorias pov*

I coulnt belive what I had let happend..

As rose hugged me and giggled i worried for the monster I just released. I parted from rose , she looked confused, I dont blame her.

"Sorry" I said, instinctively.

Her head turned , I smiled , she dint get it . I had lost the control of the gang, there not gonna listen to me , thats not the worst thing ofcourse. The real monster was my father and if he finds out moms in trouble, when he gets angry he takes it out on her, also he will disown me and come for me, but what bothered me more was that rose was in danger too..

"Rose listen, I may just have made a big mistake , if dad finds out everyone I care about is gonna be hurt."

Rose though about it for a second "well how could he even find out? That way we can stop it before it leaks to him."

I started thinking , there weren't many people close to my father. Exept...

"The only way that father could know of this would be-" I hesitated.

"Through us" I hurd a discustingly familiar voice.

Me and rose turned, it was mason and the gang.

Mason was smirking, I have no trouble believing hes completly satisfied with the events that had just happend.

"Well Well well , look who doesnt hold the power anymore." Mason laughed, he ovbiously had the uper hand.

I just holded roses hand, I dint want anything to happen.

"Now , uve been on ur high horse for way too long."

I tisked "is not my fault ur jealous of my life."

He got furious by the comment, I coulnt help but laugh.

"The way I see it ur just acting all though, because I know that if we tell your dad he'll disown u."

Mason had the right idea , but that was just a half of it.

"What do u want...ill give u anything" I blurted.

Rose looked at me surpriced.

Mason smirked, "I want rose for a night"

"In ur dreams sicko!!" I yelled, no way i was doing that.

"Then say goodbye to ur perfect life"

He was bluffing , as soon as he tells dad he loses control over me.

"Go ahead, i much rather have dad disown me than to let rose be with u,

Besides its easyer for me , because i wont have to listen to you.

He got furious and took out hes wand, "ur gonna regret that." He said.

I got infront of rose, do ur worst asshole.

"Lets see u liking the cruciatus Curse"

My eyes widden , i coulnt belive he would risk using a unforgivebable curse. Neighther me or rose had our wands on us , so I shielded her when-

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