the finally

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A few years later...

Roses pov

"Slytherin!!" Eliot spat

"Hufflepuff!!" Moon tisked

They were fighting about what house nezuko would go to.

They always had this argument and now that it was nezukos first day they were extreamly um pasionante.

Artorias sighed , he had been done with this before he was surtainly done now.

It made me giggle a bit and that made him smile fortunatly.

"Nez tell her you wanna come with me to slytherin!" Eliot kept going

"No tell E that ur coming with me to hufflepuff" moon countered.

"I actualy like ravenclaw..." Nez finally spoke leaving eliot and moon shoked.

"What?!" They said at the same time.

"Kids thts enough!" Art had had enough of all the fighting as it seems.

"Nezuko can go to whatever house she wants"



After that was patched he knelt infront of nez, "nezy sweety you go to whatever house u feel u fit in ok?"

She hugged him "ok papa, i was gonna anyways" artorias smiled , god fucking dawm! Fucking love that Man.

The kids whent in the train and waved us goodbye from there cabins.


"Are u ok babe?" I hurd artorias ask.

I sighed "yeah ,just lots of memorys "

Art holded me close "yeah ur right"

I suddenly smiled, "babe the house is empty~"

Artorias looked at me and gave me a sexy smirk, "then what are we still doing here?"

I laughed as he dragged me home, you could say our life has been good.

But i would say its been perfect.

The end

A hufflepuff And a slytherin...  (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now