chapter four

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*Rose Pov*

It's been a few weeks after the confession that me and Artorias had. it's been really nice-

Wow im getting all happy just thinking about it, i've been in cloud nine the past weeks, nothing and I mean nothing saddens me. the Slytherin lords are still at it but there surpricingly chill thanks to Artorias. Well he wont admit to it but I know he has something to do with it.

oh merlin, i'm happy, life is just great and-

"Helloooo???" I snapped out of it, it was jenny calling out to me.


She sighed "im talking to you..."

"S-sorry" I replied.

She smirked " Look I know you're happy about your secret bf but please dont go off like that too much or youre gonna have to explain to the others."

I nodded she was right, they've already noticed ive been trailing off. At some point is gonna be more than suspicious.

"What were you saying anyway?"

"oh yeah, i was just asking if u would go to honey dukes for me when u go to hogsmeade."

"Of course jenny, anything u need"

Jenny had messed Up her ankle on her last joy ride on one of the hippogriffs and cant walk far so she has to stay for this trip. She gave me a Long ass list and money for the candy and some for me, which is like score.

We finished our food and then we whent our own ways , i met Up with the rest of the squad.

"Hey Rose" dizzy was the first to greet me followed by the rest. We were all exited , going to hogsmeade was always a treat. We spend a while just chatting and chilling, then daisy pointed out the time we only had an hour to go. I dint wanna leave buying the candy till last minute.

"Guys, ama buy the candy now-" even before i finished everyone was taking out there money and telling me to bring them something.

I sighed and took everyones order against my better judgement, i stuffed my pockets and went off. guess im delivery girl now , i laughed a bit.

After a very long time in the Store i got out with everything. I swear people were starting to worry about the amount of sugar i was buying hehe.

I skipped a few steps and to no ones surprice..

"Where u going fatty?" I stopped and noticed the sly lords were blocking my path. Jeez i really dint wanna deal with them right now. I saw a certain golden eyed boy in the back, he was looking down and avoided his gaze from mine. He always did that when it came to times like this, even apologized later on, when he shoulnt is not his fault and honestly...
jeez, why is it that just seeing him makes me smile.

"Get out of my way please."

*artorias pov*

"Get out of my way please."

There she goes with the passive aggressive shit, she knows they could hurt her right.

"Hehe, nah" mason tries getting a hold of her stuff but she backs up making her fall on her back as she slips on ice.

A hufflepuff And a slytherin...  (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now