chapter three

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*Rose Pov*

It was 12 and I started to sneak out to the astronamy tower. I was already suppost to be there but jenny dint wanna go to sleep, so i had to wait a while.

I went up the stairs, that seemed like it took forever. When I got to the top, there he was looking out into the lake with his elbows against the bars.

I whent next to him and did the same.

"Hey" I greeted

"Hey" he said back surprised as he smiled. "I was starting to think you weren't coming " he continued.

"Sorry, something held me up."

"Was it debating whether to come or not? Hehe" he smiled again but this time he seemed broken, he seemed to be joking but something tells me he really though that, maybe even for a second.

I sighed " no, that wouldn't make sense Highwind. I was the one who wanted to meet up."

His smile became a genuine one. I'm glad I made him happy.

After a bit we started talking and kept talking all night. we told each other everything, well as much as you tell someone you're just now befriending. Idk about him but there are still things I'm not comfortable talking about.

That day we accidentally talked till the sun started rising, by then we both had to go otherwise people would notice and my friends would be worried.
Despite my doubts it was a good night.


 5 month's...

We've been meeting up for 5 months!

And it's been surprisingly fun, part of me wants to talk every day. We started making up fights every once in a while to talk in private, we even got detention on purpose. we both agreed that was dumb, but I wont lie it was the most fun id had in detention ever. One day jenny found out I was sneaking out and i had to come clean, I dint tell her with who, but I did tell her it was a guy, big mistake on my part. Now every time I talk about him she teases me and tells me I like him.

"Don't you see how u get when you talk about him! Your eyes literally sparkle, you talk like he's already your bf. Not to mention how u smile for no reason and don't deny it cuz I've caught you a few times. aaahhhhh!"

She went on like that for a while, even teased if I am gonna confess on New Year's Eve.
 It wasn't a bad idea, I'll admit I've always felt a little something for him. It's just that now it's not so little, it's a huge monster crush...
He's shown to me that he's better than what he 'needs to be' for he's father and I can't get him out of my head is starting to be too much, I have to at least tell him.

Anyway, I should be on my way I need to buy him a Christmas present, I feel like it's only fair.

Artorias Pov

Rose had desited to meet up at New Year's Eve and see the fireworks at mid-night. I was really happy, I had been trying to get over her but the more we talk and meet up, the harder it gets. I don't even know what to do anymore. I looked through the store windows while the gang was- well- being themselves, and I saw a star neckless. It reminded me of rose, she was always staring up at the starts and showed me some constellations. she admitted being too lazy to learn a lot of them, but she knew some.

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