"Emotionally In Fences And Momentary Bliss"

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Noodle woke up to the very familiar sound of smashed glass. Usually this was the sign of a drunken escapade that has reached its limit.

Noodle glanced at the time, 3:13am...

God it was way to early for this shit.

But she didn't want any accidents to come to pass that she could have easily prevented if she had just gotten up and put them to bed.

So with a sigh, she got out of bed and ventured to the source of the sound.

Through the dark corridors of the new KONG Studios, Noodle stubbled through the
miscellaneous items haphazardly placed around the complex. It was really hard to to trip in this place when it got dark.

When she finally got to where she thought the sound came from, all she discovered was broken glass. Disgruntled, Noodle did clean up the mess. And then started wandering around the studio again.

Eventually for what felt like hours, Noodle found that the door to outside was open. She prayed that she didn't have to chase anyone back into the studio.

But surprisingly, all she found was Murdoc. Just sitting there. As if he was in some sort of daze. Just quietly gazing at the stars. Did he do this sort of thing often?

"Muds.." Noodle said lazily as she put a hand in the doorframe that lead outside.

"Have any idea how late it is?"

Murdoc looked startled at the sudden voice invading the silence but immediately calmed when he realized it was just Noodle.

"Oh...hey love, didn't mean to wake you..."

"Well, can't do much about that now can we?"

"Heh, I guess your right...."

Noodle stumbled towards Murdoc. With a closer angle she could definitely see that he had been up to this drunken mishap for a while. Murdoc was pretty good at keeping his liquor down, but that didn't make him look any less tired.

"Any reason why your up at this hour, besides the usual Murdoc shenanigans?", Noodle asked, Murdoc chuckled a little at the statement.

"Reason.. reason.. well lots of reasons I guess..."

"Care to share? I'm all ears." Noodle said with a lazy smile, and proceed to motion her hands to her ears in a comical fashion.

Now that got a full drunken laugh out of him. And it seemed to have lowered the tension a bit.

"I..I guess it's kinda just a little surreal "

"How so?"

"Well... just how the band operates in general. You guys have never worked better. It's just surprising how much has changed since I left and really.." Murdoc drawls off.

"Really what?"

Murdoc took in a long breath,"You guys don't need me anymore..."

Noodle saddened , is... is this why Murdoc has been so distant? Because he just didn't feel like he belonged in the band? Gorillaz wouldn't even exist without Murdoc for crying out loud! He made Gorillaz one of a kind, of course he mattered.

"Murdoc.. of course you matter!, why would you say that?" She said with a disheartened expression.

Murdoc looked puzzled, like back when she was ten and he could barely understand her because of the language barrier

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Murdoc looked puzzled, like back when she was ten and he could barely understand her because of the language barrier. "I say that because I barely do anything anymore!"

"I don't set up the music videos, I haven't written a song in what feels like ages.. for Satans sake I.. I haven't played this sloppy since.. since EVER I.." Murdoc paused, he was tearing up. He has done enough crying already tonight dammit, and definitely doesn't want to cry in front of Noodle of all people.

"I... I just.. don't know anymore." Murdoc couldn't think of anything else to say. Murdoc hated being in vunrable situations. Guess he really shouldn't have drank so much. It was making it way harder to think straight. If he was sober, he probably would have just not have opened his mouth in the first place.

Noodle came closer, and wrapped Murdoc in a warm embrace. "It's okay to cry you know, you don't have to bottle that stuff up around me, around any of us for that matter." She said softly.

"You matter as much as the rest of us, were family remember?"

Shit, it was really hard not to cry when surrounded by so much kindness and understanding. Noodle really did know how to make Murdoc a sap.

With that Murdoc let go of his walls, he cried quietly into Noodle's shoulder. And he slowly tighten the hug, Noodle basically became a warm, human security blanket. And really? Murdoc was to emotional and tired to care.

They both stayed wrapped around each other like that for a while. The only thing that broke the silence was Murdoc's sobs of tired frustration.

Eventually, Murdoc slowly broke off the hug. He was really worn out after all this crying and booze. "Fuck.. sorry.. I shouldn't keep you up any longer than I have I.. Murdoc suddenly was interrupted by another quick hug from Noodle.

"It's fine, let's just get you to bed okay?" She said as she started helping Murdoc get to his feet.

Murdoc slowly got up, "I don't need the help I'm fine.." and as soon as he said that he staggered sharply towards the ground again.

Noodle caught him, "Yeah yeah, sure you don't, let's just get you to your room, kay?"

Murdoc grumbled in defeat, to be honest he was to tired to argue, not like you can get through to Noodle once she has made up her mind anyway.

They eventually made it to Murdoc's room, Noodle helped direct Murdoc to his bed and as soon as he touched the mattress, he was out cold. Noodle tried really hard not laugh at that, god Murdoc really needed a better sleeping schedule.

Noodle shuffled towards the door that lead back to the corridor and quietly grabbed the knob. Before leaving, she looked back at the now snoring Murdoc and smiled lovingly and said...

"Goodnight, dad"

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