"See, Everything In Life Ain't Silver And Gold"

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Russel was getting really tired of all this shit that was going on around him. First Murdoc's lack of participation in the band. And now 2-D overall being super weird. It's starting to get stressful for the drummer.

Sometimes he wished that Murdoc never kidnapped him and he could just live a mediocre life working in a record store. Well as mediocre as having the soul of your dead best friend inside you could be.

But then he thinks about that he would never have meet 2-D. Or his Noodle. They never really outright state it. But they are a family. Even though sometimes he didn't want to deal with the more "problematic" members of it.

But right now he can't stay silent. Even though he markets himself as the least talkative of the crew. He will share his opinions on matters he believes are important. Silence is violence after all.

So he walked to were he'd believe 2-D would be. Which usually is his room, 2-D can be kinda of a hermit if you don't really engage with him. And knocked on the door.

He heard a rustle of feet getting up. And eventually the door cracked open. 2-D didn't really look all that thrilled to be contacted. It's like all the energy he had earlier had drained out his body.

"Oh um hey Russ

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"Oh um hey Russ...you need something?" 2-D questioned "Did I forget something again? Usually Noodle reminds me.... uhh." 2-D started rambling off.

"Um actually I came here to talk to you" Russel stated "I know I don't do this often but.. I kinda just need to say my peace man."

"Oh! Uh.. okay.." 2-D said a bit concerned "Did I do something wrong?"

"Oh no D, I just started noticing things that I just find.. off, you know?" Russel said as he scratched his neck.

"Off.." 2-D mumbled quietly "Uh you probably don't want to keep standing in the hallway, you can sit down in here.." he opened up his door to let Russel inside.

Russel moved into 2-D's room. Russel was actually expecting it to be a lot messier than it was in actuality. What made most of the mess was music sheets and different musical instruments. Was 2-D working on his own music in his free time?

But Russel put that thought aside and sat on 2-D's unkept bed. God how did he sleep on this thing? The mattress felt like a sheet of concrete.

Their was a gap of silence. 2-D started looking nervous. Which Russel probably should have expected. 2-D wasn't really good at confrontation, and probably wasn't expecting a talk with Russel of all people today.

"Um.. I'm sorry I.." 2-D started. But Russel cut him off.

"No don't be sorry, I just don't do this very often." Russel chuckled a bit at that.

"So.. you said I was being off" 2-D motioned little air quotes as he "off"

"Yeah man to be honest with you lately I've been picking up this energy from you, and it's definitely not a good energy.."


"Yeah, like your entire vibe is just off.." for Russel it was kinda hard to explain. Ever since he had Del possessing him. He could pick up on darker auras from people and objects. Like he could sense the supernatural.

Though it's not as strong as it once was. When Del was exorcised out of him it became weaker. But if it's a strong enough energy, he can spot it pretty easily.

And 2-D's aura is just screaming that something is wrong.

"I'm sorry, I don't really get what your trying to say, mate.." 2-D said confused.

"Yeah I assumed as much.. it's just today for example..." Russel said "The way you dealt with Murdoc today, It.. it didn't feel like that was you.. or more like it's not how you would have dealt with that situation."

2-D's eyes seemed to shimmer at just the mention of Murdoc's name. A tiny smirk started to appear on 2-D's face.

"Well I just felt like not getting yelled at today." 2-D started "To be honest, Murdoc has had this coming for a while.." 2-D's tone started getting darker.

Russel wanted to agree with 2-D. Murdoc was a dick, everyone knew that. But Russel didn't like how 2-D said that statement.

"And can I ask what's coming exactly?"

2-D's posture straighted, his white glowing stare completely focused in Russel's direction.

"Let's just say, it hasn't been very healthy to keep all this anger tucked away." 2-D said as a very familiar smile came across his face. "I think it's finally time to release some of it."

Russel was pretty spooked now. And he didn't like what he was hearing. Russel has never heard 2-D threaten another person in his life. And now he was doing it with a bright smile on his face.

Russel gulped. "Okay..but you sure your good? Cause if you need anything.." Russel paused "Noodle and I will help you in a heartbeat."

2-D's smile grew more fond. "I'm absolutely positive I'm fine mate." 2-D's eyes glowed a soft white "You don't need to worry about me none."

Russel felt like he couldn't get any farther with 2-D in this conversation. So Russel thanked 2-D for listening to his concerns. And started letting himself out of the room.

But as he left...

He could feel two bright eyes staring at the back of his head.

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