"It's Weird Thing To Think Light Bulb Don't Blink"

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The next day, Russel and Noodle were very on edge. Yesterday's events made the two very uneasy. And the way 2-D has been acting throughout the day didn't ease their nerves.

His posture, the way he conversed with people, his overall aura was strange. 2-D's confident demeanor just wasn't well...2-D. Like an entire different entity consumed his soul.

Noodle and Russel had somewhat seen this type of confidence from 2-D during The Now Now. But not to this extent...

Today they were shooting the music video for "Momentary Bliss." Usually, 2-D would play his part and then disassociate into a corner. But today, he actively chatted with the other collaborators. He even directed some aspects of the video.

It was weird seeing 2-D's shift in personality. But deep in both Russel and Noodle's hearts they were happy for him. Like it was a sudden rebirth for the singer. He was on top of the world.

And surprisingly, Murdoc didn't shove him off the top. Murdoc actually mostly dicked around all day. Maybe 2-D's confrontation was still in his mind?

Noodle couldn't think of a solid reason why. But all she knew that it was super weird...

However, Noodle's thoughts were disrupted by the sound of a thud. Noodle turned around to see Murdoc slouching on the ground.

Noodle quickly moved to where Murdoc was. "Murdoc?! You okay?" Noodle said with concern. That seemed to get everyone to direct their attention to Murdoc's predicament.

Murdoc seemed to be in and out of awareness. But eventually, Murdoc slurred out "I'm fineeee, fine as wine.. fineee" his words became quieter each time he spoke.

"No your not fine!!!" Noodle shrieked out.

As everyone scrambled to Murdoc's side. Russel felt something being knocked by his foot. Russel momentarily shifted his focus to the object. He discovered that it was a green bottle of some sort.

Russel picked up the glass bottle and looked at it closely. His eyes widened when he read what the contents of it was...

"POISON?!" Russel said slack jawed.

Everyone quickly looked at Russel in surprise because of his outburst. But then shifted their looks back to Murdoc, but this time they were less sympathetic.

"Murdoc..." Noodle started darkly "Did you fucking drink poison..."

All Noodle got in reply was spastic laughter, but that definitely answered her question.

"Murdoc!" Noodle yelled along in sync with Russel.

"What the fuck were you thinking!!!" Noodle said utter dumbfounded.

Murdoc's laughter just continued through the chaos, but it soon turned into groans of pain.

"Murdoc I swear to God..." Noodle continued.

"Don't swear to God love..."


Noodle's upcoming tirade was interrupted by Jamie stepping in. As Gorillaz's manager he has seen a lot of bullshit. Murdoc mostly being the cause of said bullshit.

"Yelling at him isn't going to solve anything" Jamie said pulling Noodle back "Just wait till he is in a hospital, then you can yell at him all you want."

Noodle grumbled in defeat and waited for the ambulance to arrive

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Noodle grumbled in defeat and waited for the ambulance to arrive. In didn't take long for Murdoc to be hoisted onto a stretcher and rushed to emergency care.

Noodle and Russel decided to begrudgingly go to the hospital with Murdoc in the ambulance. Even if Murdoc was a fucking idiot, he was their fucking idiot.

2-D however, decided to stay behind with the rest of the group to help sort out things. It was probably for the best. 2-D hated hospitals, even if he wasn't a patient.

So now Noodle and Russel were in an ambulance rushing to the nearest hospital. Noodle sighed into her hands. Of course Asomething like this was going to happen...

It was just a matter of time..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2020 ⏰

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