Chapter- 2

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Today can't get any worse. You see, life on McCaffrey street is tremendously difficult. Amanda and Scorpius stopped by before school today for launching our spacecraft,FANTALES. We gathered some balloons and tied one on each of the corners of our spacecraft. We pumped it with helium and set it in our backyard, ready to launch. Amanda released the tied balloons and voila! FANTALES shot right up

towards the sky. After it seemed out of view, we rushed to school.

Mr.Fitzpatrick, who is my history teacher, is a short-tempered man.

One look at him as I entered class, I knew something was wrong. His

temple was throbbing vigorously(now that was a sign of super anger).

And then when I looked at the clock, I realized what was wrong. It

was 8:01. I was supposed to be at school by 8:00. Alas! I was 1 whole

minute late. And in terms of Mr.Fitzpatrick, 1 minute is like, half an

hour. He roared at me,"Detention Fortisque! You have the guts to enter

my class 1 minute late? Well, what should I say? I zipped my mouth

tightly and sinked into my seat. History lectures are too boring that

it's hard to pay attention(duh!).So I drifted into my imaginary world full

of food, magical creatures and of course,Hogwarts(did I forget to tell

you that I am a potterhead?)So, after I suffered detention, I missed my

ride. So I had to walk all the way home(6 Km).

When I reached home, I saw our neighbour, Mrs.Koothrapalli,

talking to my mom. She looked kinda furious about something. She

had something in her hands which looked like- Fantales! Oh my

goodness! How did it end up with her? Well, after serious discussion

(in this case, I mean mostly advising and chiding), I found out

that our beloved Fantales spacecraft, had somehow ended up in

Mrs.Koothrapalli's terrace garden and destroyed her Katniss plant,

which turned out to be her favourite. Moral from the lecture I received

from Mrs.Koothrapalli and mom : never launch a spacecraft with

balloons in your backyard. Causes terrible damage. We had just

moved here, from Seattle to San Antonio and I have already started

my legendary enemism with one out of the four houses on McCaffrey

street. Am I doomed!

At least I got my clear vision back. My new spectacles turned out

pretty awesome according to me, although my sister, Ish, took a

picture of my face with my new glasses on and posted it on social

media, with this statement below the pic- 'Bro looks crazier than

before with new glasses' followed by two laughing emojis.

Yours nerdily,

Sheldon Fortisque

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