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A walk down McCaffrey street
Hey Mr.Hyacinth
I love graham crackers

You are probably wondering what was the thing at the last part of the painting. Of course! Your guess is right(duh). It was indeed Chayton Freedley.

My ears are still buzzing. As it was a Sunday, I got up pretty late. Astonishingly, Ish woke up half an hour earlier. So I got to hear her beautiful, mesmerizing voice. Ish was nonchalantly singing this song called "Wee Potter's the one and Voldy's gone mouldy" at the top of her voice. I didn't need my alarm clock today. That was how powerful her song was- like a crying orangutan. So I just muttered some terrible words under my breath and got up, ready for the day. Scorpius' parents had left him to take care of himself (he was grounded for something he did). Amanda and me were to meet Scorpius at his place. But before that, I had to go to the repair shop to get that broken painting fixed. Even though my day started with my sister screeching, I was in a good mood. I merrily walked down to the repair shop.

"Hyacinth's Repair Shop" was full of old, mouldy stuff and man, did that shop stink! I quickly handed over the glass broken (my parents were heart broken) painting to Mr.Hyacinth. I couldn't stand that reek. Giving Mr.Hyacinth the brief description of the events that happened at our house, and some instructions in one single breath, I rushed out of that hell of a repair shop.

Now that I have a very tiny piece of information that Chayton Freedley's a painter, Amanda, Scorpius and I could probably figure out something. We guys met at Scorpius' room, where he was happily munching on graham crackers. That dude is one of a kind- so damn unique. And....I told them about who Chayton Freedley was. Then Amanda started chanting this great slogan "We know Chayton Freedley! Hail Sheldon, who brought down the vintage sketch! Hail! Oh Hail! It was as if the Death Eaters were praising Mr. Add More Vomit Roll. Sometimes friends can be idiotic, right?

Knowing not what to do next, we simply looked up some e-books about painters and paintings and stuff. But nothing. "Hey Sheldon, isn't Leo's last name Freedley? said Am. "Leo? Who tat? Scorpius and me chorused. "The guy who always comes last in P.E? The lonely, scared, silent kid? I think his last name is Freedley", said Am. How many Freedley families can exist in one small McCaffrey street? Not many. Freedley wasn't a very common surname. That kid Leo never talks to anyone else except to himself. He's kinda invisible. "Maybe we can talk to him know, not tell him the whole magic weird story, but casually chat. Maybe Chayton is his ancestor or someone. We'll try to get some info about his family."

I stuffed some graham crackers into my mouth and took leave of my best friends for life. I went down the street to Mr.Hyacinth's shop. There he was, stinky Mr.Hyacinth, with the mended painting. Mr.Hyacinth was an exceptionally nice person, except that when he was at his workshop, you can't just go near him. Again, holding my breath real tight, I paid him and was about to rush out when the shops's door bell chimed. It was Leo, the guy I have never talked to at school, but noticed. I just didn't know his name. I was like "Hey, Leo right ?sup?" Leo replied, "Um...are you Sheldon?" and I came to know that Leo actually talked. He was always so silent. But now, once I asked him questions, he began to talk with me freely. We chatted for a long time (outside the shop:)). Leo suddenly spotted the painting in my hands. "Sheldon, you have the exact copy of my uncle's painting? Wow! Where did you get that from?"

I was like "Chayton Freedley is your uncle?" "Yeah" "Holy super sized McShizzle? Really? Cant believe it!" "He ain't famous though...was a street artist" "Can I meet him?" "Actually, he died 3 years back" "Oh"

Yours ending abruptly,

Sheldon Fortisque

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