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My room is always a mess. So, today my mom made me get rid of all my stuff. I had to throw away the things I didn't need into an old cardboard box and put it in the garage. I was sifting through all of my old things-from when I was 2 years old,when I found an old doll craft I had made in preschool. A wave of nostalgia hit me. I remembered making this doll with Scorpius. We even had a fight on who would stick the doll's nose!! Silly us!. So I finally got out all the old stuff I didn't need and brought it to the garage. When I opened the shed, I sneezed half a dozen times. There was dust everywhere-UGH!. I put the cardboard box down when my mom called me,"Shelly,will you please clean the garage too? Its been years since I came near it. I have tons of office work to do. If you want, you can drag Ish to help you."You see, on Sundays, my sister Ish escapes from my mom's sight and goes to the park to hang out with her friends. So I turned down the offer and set to clean the garage. I started from the far back. There sat an old box full of my great grandmother's things. It looked really mysterious and a kind of glow seemed to come from it-an orangish glow. I started to go through the stuff. The box seemed to pull me towards it. There was an old coat, a small hairbrush, a cookbook, a very old handmade dream catcher and even a tiny little antique locket. When I asked my mom, she told me that her grandmother used to wear it all the time. It seemed that, when she was on her deathbed, she passed it on to my mom. The locket was shaped like a diamond and had a small lock like thing on one side. I tried opening it, but failed. I fumbled with it, but no,nothing happened(in mystery movies, some lockets reveal maps to hidden treasures and I expected something like that). But no such thing happened. I left it on my desk. I rummaged through the box and took out the cookbook. It was really dusty. I sneezed and wiped the cover of the book with a damp cloth. Inside the book, there were several handwritten recipes in neat, beautiful handwriting. Recipes for apple pies, veggie lasagna, lemon meringue pastries etc. were written on those pages. The pages smelled really those old books in the library. Maybe my great grandma used this book to write her favourite recipes. On the last page, only the title was recorded-"Jammy Berry Pies" Below, it said, "One tiny piece in your mouth will make you jammy for one whole day" "Good Luck!!" I'm currently wondering what that means.

Yours full of wonder,
Sheldon Fortisque

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