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Percy's POV:

After dinner, I was still contemplating what I had heard when I noticed that three Gryffindors (more specifically, Harry, Ron, and Hermione (who else would it be, really)) were walking  off in a direction that was very much going the wrong way from the Gryffindor common room.
They were glancing everywhere except behind them, where I was. It looked like they were trying to sneak away. So, naturally, I followed them. Except I was actually being sneaky. 

I pulled out my blue cap that I had received from Athena, the one that I had forgotten all about until a few moments ago when I used a summoning spell to get it from my dorm. Putting it on, I looked down at myself, only to find out that I was now invisible. Great work, Athena. If you can hear me, thanks. If not, thanks. 

"Accio Harry's wand,"  I whispered under my breath. It shot out from under his robes and floated over to me noiselessly. Harry stopped, hesitated, patted his sleeve, then scratched his neck and kept walking, figuring it was nothing. Haha. Excellent job, Hermes. If you can hear me, thanks. If not, thanks. 

I watched as they rounded a corner and hurried to keep up with them. The now-empty halls rang with the dull thuds of my shoes, but the trio either didn't notice or didn't care. Not that I'm complaining. I fingered the sand dollar necklace that still hung around my neck with surprise. I had almost forgotten that it was there, I was so used to things hanging on my neck. Is that a good thing? I don't know. Silently, I decided to try and compose a haiku. Wow, I'm testing out all these new things that I got for the first time ever today. 

Follow the trio,

I don't know what they're doing.

This is the last line. 

I think I got it down. If Apollo approved of it, I wouldn't know. If you can hear me, thanks. If not - whatever. I don't really care. Thunder rumbled overhead, but not very loudly. 

Okay...wait. Where did they go? I had gotten so carried away in my thoughts I didn't notice them round the corner and climb up two flights of stairs before slipping into an empty classroom. 

I found them. Surprise, surprise.

Summoning my will, I gathered up what was left of my amazing talent and vapor travelled inside the classroom. Stumbling slightly, I quickly regained my balance and hid in the corner, tuning in just in time to hear Ron say, "I bet Percy Jackson has something to do with You-Know-Who coming back." 

I couldn't help it. I laughed.

And watched as the "Chosen One" crashed into a wall.


Harry's POV:

I heard a loud laugh from behind me and spun around, whipping out my - where's my wand? Where's my wand? WHERE'S MY WAND, FOR MERLIN'S SAKE? 

Furious, I looked up at Hermione's small shriek and watched as none other than Percy Jackson materialized out of thin air, tipping what looked like a baseball cap at us before stowing it away in his robe. He smiled a lopsided smirk and pulled my wand out of his sleeve. I gaped for a second, before lunging at him, which he easily sidestepped. I lost my balance and nearly ran into the wall, but stopped just before I did and used the wall to support my weight. 

In other words, I did not crash. 

No matter what that lying brat's going to say. 

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Give me back my wand right now!" I said firmly but calmly. Okay, I might have snapped a bit.

He surveyed me with a look of indifference. "I mean, if you really wanted your wand that bad, you could just take it from me. It's not mine. Or you could ask nicely. That works a lot of the time in most cases, except for me. The people that I've had to deal with really have no manners. It's very rude of them. Wait, what did you want again?" He smiled innocently, cheekily. I groaned and marched over to him, snatching my wand out of his hand.

Turning back to my friends, I waved my wand, muttering "Muffliato" with the hope that it would shut Jackson out. Instead, he spun around, alarmed, before looking at me with an almost murderous glare. 

"What was that?" He asked, in a low, menacing voice. I looked at him, confused. Did something happen?

"What was what?" 

"I can't believe you," he growled. "You actually do that and then dare to act like you didn't do anything?"


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