I Think I'm Dead

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We've reached over 70,000 reads! Big thank you to all my readers! Here's a chapter for you since I've been MIA for the past three months.

Percy's P.O.V.

I was kind of unnerved by my dream. I didn't know what to think about Sepia being one of those Thanatos Chompers. And now I'm imagining giants stuffing their faces full of little Thanatos-shaped crackers. 

I wish I could say that it was the last time. 

I said that last time, it became a pastime.

About a minute into this endeavor I received a letter. From a Mr. Harry Potter, even better, it said:

If you want to know more about the Death Eaters, meet us in the Room of Requirement for lunch.

~Harry and Ron and Hermione no don't include my name why did you think it was a good idea to use a Quick-Quotes Quill?

That sounds fun. And productive. I don't think I'll show up, I'm probably going to ask Sepia or Draco about them. They would know more, I'm sure, being Chompers and all. 

I slid into a seat next to Seamus, and was about to start shoveling food onto my plate when Dean nudged me. "Hey, dude, look at Harry. Isn't that weird?" I turned and watched as Harry squeezed ketchup over the heaping pile of chicken apple sausages on his plate. 

"Gross, man, he's becoming Ron." Seamus made a face and we laughed.

I scooped some eggs and bacon onto my plate, then used my gift from Hephaestus to burn a bit of eggs in the palm of my hand. If you're wondering why I didn't do this yesterday, it is safe to say that I forgot I could do this. Being blessed by the gods is tough, guys.

After breakfast, I walked with Dean and Seamus to D.A.D.A. Why did the Hogwarts founders decide to call it Dada? I think P.A.P.A. would be better. Protection Against the Powerful Arts. I mean, why call it Defense Against the Dark Arts if we're not learning amazing things that can stop deadly curses? Protego doesn't work for everything.

When we got inside the classroom, I wasn't surprised to see Draco there already, but it was Sepia sulking in the corner that caught my eye. She was sitting at a lone desk, scribbling on a sheet of parchment with a sullen expression. I took a seat behind Dean and watched as she finished whatever she was writing, and stood up. Or, tried to. The chair rose with her, much to her embarrassment, and she quickly realized that before the chair's front legs even left the ground. The dull thump of the back legs hitting the stone floor made Professor Snape turn, and he strode over to her desk and bent over the essay. After quietly conferring with Professor Snape, Sepia stood up, without the chair, and left, clutching a hall pass like her life depended on it. She genuinely looked terrified. I had to do something. I raised my hand, fidgeting in my seat.

"Yes, Mr. Jackson?"

"Can I use the loo?" Professor Snape frowned.

"I do hope you are able to stand up and go to the bathroom, otherwise I'd have to send you to Madam Pomfrey." The class dissolved into snickers and giggles. "Silence! Yes, Jackson, go ahead, but if you are not back in ten minutes you're getting a detention."

I hurried out the door, squeezing my legs together a bit to pretend I actually needed to go.

Once I was out of sight, I turned invisible with Athena's cap and followed Sepia as she stalked down the corridor. She turned onto a flight of stairs, and I was so immersed in tracking her movements I forgot to look down and accidentally stepped on a trick stair. "Ow!" 

Sepia whirled around. I struggled to stay silent as I tugged my leg from the loose board, but she heard the scraping. "Stupefy!" 

I flew backward, out of the stair, and landed on my side on the platform at the bottom of the stairs. I groaned and rolled over so that I was on my stomach. Everything was moving and blurry, and I was seeing spots. "Percy?" I vaguely saw shoes next to my head, but I was too disoriented to move. "Percy, say something!" A frantic voice floated dreamily to my ears.

"...Sepia?" I mumbled.

"Are you okay? I didn't realize it was you, I'm so- Wait. I'm not sorry, you were stalking me."

"...I think I'm dead."

"Get up, you moron." Sepia ordered, sounding torn between relief and anger. "And I'm taking your hat as punishment. I like the color." Convinced that I was alright, she picked up Athena's cap and dusted it off.

"What? No! No, don't take the hat! Give it- Give. Me. Back. My. Hat." I blinked back stars and scrambled after her. She jumped when I vapor-traveled in front of her and snatched the cap from her hands. 

"How did you - Never mind. Why's this cap so important to you, huh?" She narrowed her eyes at me. I froze, my mind spinning to come up with an answer. Then I sighed. Stuffing the cap in my pocket, I turned away from her, so that she couldn't see my face. 

"It reminds me of my girlfriend." It did remind me of Annabeth, although Sepia wouldn't know that we're not officially dating. Yet. 

"Oh...alright then. Okay." With that, Sepia turned away and left. I stared, dazed, after her for a second before remembering that I had to get back to class. Everyone turned to look as I scurried back to my seat, avoiding Professor Snape's gaze. 

"Nine minutes and seventeen seconds, Mr. Jackson. I hope you're not feeling ill." 

The Lost Dark Lord (Percy Jackson Grandson of Voldemort)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя