Centaurs Enjoy Partying and Setting Off Confetti Bombs

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Percy's POV:

I felt a cold tingle run down the back of my spine, as if something was staring at me from behind. I spun around, ready to fight, but saw nothing. 

I turned back to Harry and his friends, who looked surprised. Did he not realize what just happened? That spell, whatever he said, clearly did something not right. I didn't like it one bit. 

"What was that?" I turned to him and asked, trying to control my shock and fear. 

"What was what?" He looked genuinely puzzled, but I didn't like the look on his face. It looked too...hairy. Harry, hairy, get it?


"I can't believe you." I said, my voice audibly shaking. "You actually do that and then dare to act like you didn't do anything?" 

I mentally facepalmed myself at my word choice. It's so vague. Obviously he would have no idea what I'm talking about. 

"Do what?" I stared at him, incredulous.

"You mean you didn't feel anything? Nothing at all? Not even, like, a weird tingly feeling that runs down your spine and makes you feel like you stepped on a tarantula that's going to eat you?"

He stared at me, confused. I facepalmed. Then Ron's eyes widened and he shouted, "Harry, watch out!" 

Harry ducked and darted behind his friends, leaving me in the splash zone. A large thud sounded from behind me and my back stooped. 

Instantly, my instincts flared to action and I flipped whoever was on me over my shoulder. Sepia Black, the little girl from earlier, tumbled off and landed in a criss-cross-applesauce position on the floor in front of me.  She pouted at me and I sighed in relief. 

"Aw, c'mon! I only wanted a piggy-back ride!" Sepia grinned. I rolled my eyes mockingly. 

"Never!" I cried, and galloped to the door, running full-on into none other than Draco Malfoy. "Oh, sorry, dude. Didn't see you there." He scowled and turned to the trio. 

"Draco! Let me tell them!" Sepia jumped up, pushing him out of the way excitedly before schooling her expression into a haughty, mocking face. 

"I, as a totally obviously better half-blood, hereby turn this very formal scroll of correspondence over to a Mister Harry James Potter and his friends, so that they may read it without the prying eyes of a disgusting pureblood who wears too much hair gel for his own good." She tossed a tightly-rolled piece of paper to Harry, who snatched it out of the air and unrolled it. 

"Oh, great, Seamus and Dean are coming! I was hoping that they would make it back from their vacation." Hermione commented, reading over Harry's shoulder. 

"Seamus Finnegan and Dean Thomas?" I asked, hearing two very familiar names. 

"Yeah, why?"

"Oh, nothing." I couldn't wait to surprise them. I hadn't told them about my coming here yet. 


I was sitting in the Gryffindor common room, staring at the scrawls and squiggles dancing around the page of my textbook. My eyes were still tired from Professor Snape's class and all those notes we took. I hope he doesn't read my notes too thoroughly, I gave up about halfway through and started writing nonsense. 

"Centaurs enjoy partying and setting off confetti bombs"  "Centaurs like to trample pink toads" "Centaurs wear t-shirts that belong to hippies" were among the notes I remember scribbling down.  

Giving up on D.A.D.A., I turned to Transfiguration, where the amount of constructive class time I remember is exactly none. Smiling at the memory of running around as a little hippopotamus, I decided to screw doing homework and have some fun. 

I turned into a snake, and started to slowly make my way around the edge of the common room. I was about a quarter of the way around when a second-year noticed me and shrieked. Almost immediately, there was a clamor as everyone started to gather around, watching me with a mix of terror, excitement, and awe. I slithered toward the center of the room, and when I got there, started making myself dizzy.

Slithering in circles is very hard work, people. 

I then transformed from a snake directly into a raven, and soared high above the heads of the onlookers.  If you caught the drift, good job.

Suddenly, the appearance of two demigods caught me off guard and I accidentally transformed into a badger early, falling out of the air with a surprised "Eek!" (In badger language, that means "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!")

I caught myself before I hit the floor, though, and turned back into my regular old self, hovering a few centimetres above the ground. Then for the second time in three hours, I felt a large heavy object settle onto my back. Actually, correct that. Two large heavy objects settled onto my back. 

"Urgh," I muttered, bending forward until I collapsed on the floor and knocked the grinning seventh years off of me. 

"Percy! Good to see you, man! How's Hogwarts treating you?" Dean Thomas slapped me on the back. 

"It's his first day here, don't be so hard on him!" Seamus Finnegan chortled, then punched my arm. "You sea horse, why didn't you tell us you'd be coming?" 

"I didn't know I was coming," I grinned back at them.

"Well, now that you're here, we can catch you up to speed, can't we?" Seamus looked around. "Where's Hermione? You haven't been through one of her lectures yet, have you? Are you still sane?"

"Seamus!" A bushy mane of hair slapped him in the face. Hermione, slightly red in the face from embarrassment, scolded him. 

I laughed. It was good to be here, surrounded by old and new friends, and with no sign of-

"Seamus! Dean!" Harry and Ron barreled down the stairs, ready to greet their friends in a bear hug, when they saw that I was laughing and chatting with them as if we were old friends. 

"Hmm?" Seamus turned around, only to be crushed in a bear hug with Dean, Harry, and Ron. 

"Group hug!" I squealed like an idiot, wedging my way in between Seamus and Dean. Harry scowled. 

Life is good. 

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