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brighton laid awake in her bed as she watched the sun slowly rise. she grabbed her phone and pressed the home button revealing the time that read 6:43 am. she smiled and sat up. she grabbed her hairbrush and tugged her phone off the charger which ended up pulling the charging box from the outlet in the wall.

"are you kidding?" brighton mumble. 

she pulled the charger from the phone and silently ran past a sleeping avani and outside on the balcony. she sat down on one of the chairs and brushed her hair slightly and then unlocked her phone. she opened facetime and tapped on her latest call, troy.

"hey, bright, good morning." troy yawned as he stretched in his bed.

brighton giggled. "hi!"

"it is way too early for you to be that chipper."

"troy, it's almost eleven where you are."

"leave me alone i didn't go to bed until six." troy said causing brighton to laugh. "i miss you." troy said a lot more serious looking at brighton through the camera.

"yeah, i miss you too. i didn't really think about how hard this part is." troy hummed in agreement. "it's okay, though. in a month i'll go back to baton rogue and then i'll go up to long island and see you."

"you sure your mom doesn't want you home? like, ever?" troy laughed.

"don't worry, i did this stuff with liberty all the time." brighton explained. 

"speaking of the devil, have you and her talked since the whole video thing happened. 

"no, i told you, she blocked me." troy nodded. he may live 2,912 miles away, but troy knew what it looked like when brighton was struggling to find the right words to use. troy noticed she does that when she feels overwhelmed. "okay but," troy smiled. there it was; the right words. "i wish she didn't block me. i mean it's fine she didn't want to be my friend, after spending time with everybody, i realized i didn't want to be her friend either, but i hate the feeling of knowing someone really doesn't like me. like, not a mean comment dislike, like actually dislike."

"i don't blame you. i mean she left you stranded. she didn't even try fixing it. she just went straight to 'exposing brighton'." troy said validating her emotions.

"exactly! whatever. i'm done being sad over her." brighton said blinking the tears that were stinging her waterline away. "especially not when i'm in la." 

"there you go, that's my girl."

brighton smiled. "what're you doing today? other than going back to sleep after we hang up."

"um, not much." troy laughed.

"what about tomorrow?" brighton giggled.

"i have work tomorrow, so, that." troy said with a big smile.

"why are you smiling like that?"

"smiling like what?" troy laughed. 

"like how you are now!"

"i'm just smiling!"


"i dunno. because i'm on facetime with my beautiful girlfriend."

"oh you lie like a rug."

"okay, damn! i try to be romantic and this happens."

"you're hiding something from me."

"i'm not!"

"yes, you are. i'm going on twitter."

"for what? is twitter gonna tell you if i'm lying?"

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