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brighton wiped her eyes as she let go of avani's grasp. "thank you for everything." brighton chuckled as she looked at avani who had tears in her eyes as well. avani just quickly nodded and leaned in for one last squeeze. bright dropped her arms to her side and looked for the next person to say goodbye to. the hardest for last; troy. 

"c'mon." madi whispered as she and bryce, dixie, charli, addison, avani and jaden all walked away, allowing brighton and troy have a proper goodbye. 

brighton wrapped her arms around troy's torso as she felt his arms snake around her neck. she nuzzled her nose in his chest and smiled as she remembered that was the same hug they shared at playlist when troy found her right outside of the bathrooms.

"i'm gonna miss you." troy whispered in her ear so quietly it was as if he thought the whole world was trying to listen. 

"me too." brighton said as she moved her head to look up. she rested her chin against his chest. he flashed her a weak smile before leaning down to kiss her. 

no matter how many times brighton's kissed troy, whether it be a quick peck or a french kiss, the same feeling in her body would occur. her body would relax, her shoulders would drop, her stomach would fluter. she felt he was the one thing she could be sure of. no matter what friends would come and go, no matter what drama or accusations the media would make up, no matter what directions life would pull them, at the very end of the day, brighton knew she could fall into her boyfriend's arms and all of the mishaps, all of the problems that seemed so big, would all of a sudden slowly blow away, simply because of troy. 

troy lightly pulled away. "text me when you land?" 

brighton nodded as she dropped from the hug. she grabbed her backpack and slung it over her right shoulder. she looked up at the group of teens and flashed them a smile and gave them a quick wave before turning around and getting in line to board the plane.

as brighton slowly walked on the plane, tapping the outside right before she walked on for good luck, the memories of her and her friends began to flood in, as well as her tears. she remembered the security guard at playlist, she remembered the feeling when she first saw liberty's youtube video, tanning on the boat with dixie, and laughing with madi about the fact that she called nurse sharks ocean teddy bears. she remembered moving in with avani for a month and the feeling when she saw troy's neon orange sweatshirt.

brighton continued wiping her face with the sleeve of troy's sweatshirt she was wearing as she found her seat. she looked out the window.

"don't worry, flying isn't that scary." a man spoke. brighton snapped her head around. "oh, sorry, i didn't mean to startle you." brighton must have been so deep in her thoughts she didn't even realize there was a man sitting next to her. 

"oh, yeah, i know. i love flying, actually. it's just that all my friends are in la and i have to go home." brighton sniffled. 

"ah, i see." the man smiled and pulled out a book and stared reading which reminded brighton of her book. 

brighton reached down and unzipped her backpack and grabbed her book. she opened to where her bookmark was a saw a pink sticky note. 

have a safe flight, 
miss you already!

brighton felt a small smile appear on her face and tears prick her eyes. she set the book down in her lap and peeled off her clear phone case that polaroid of her, madi, and dixie as well as a sticker avani put on there. brighton folded the sticky note to where the only visible word was "troy" and snapped the phone case back into place. she opened her book and began getting lost in the pages.

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