Ch.1- Another Pit Stop

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(A/N----Hellooo!!! This is my first fic that is Gilmore girls related. I love Luke so I made an Original Character: Brooklyn.   She is the main in this story other then Luke of course. Anyway warnings: Cursing and slight age gap DATS IT hope you like to story!)

                   The small girl shivered. She's been on a cold empty bus. Only the driver at the front. She wrapped her oversized jean jacket around her tighter. It was autumn, yet the air vent was on...full blast. It filled the whole bus with cold air. Brooklyn has been waiting till the bus hit its last stop. yet, it still hasn't. So she pulled her backpack that was black, old and had pins from different places all over it, onto her back. She got up from her seat, strutting straight up to the bus driver.

"Excuse' me?" She leaned onto the pole beside the driver's seat.

"When's the last stop? I've been on this bus for hours. I got on at 4 AM. You'd think this bus would've stopped by now huh?" Her teeth tugged on her bottom lip. Her dark brown curtain bangs in front of her hazel eyes.

"Actually right about now ma'am..." The driver yawned, turning the bus into some sort of town square. A big bright blue sign with the words in gold reading "STARS HOLLOW FOUNDED 1779"

The sign was right in front of a cute, white gazebo. A small smile tugged at Brooklyn's plump pink lips. She always loved small cute little towns like this. She always wanted to grow up in one. But she was in New York when she was a kid. Always loud. Too many lights for her taste. She could never see the stars in New York.

But in small towns like the middle of nowhere. You could see the stars. After all this place is named 'Stars Hallow'.

The Bus came to a sudden halt. Brooklyn almost fell over but got a good grip on the pole. She looked out the window. Lots of people bustling around. After all, it was already 8:00 AM. On a Tuesday. Brooklyn adjusted her backpack. And with a finger pushed some hair out of her eyes. She sighed heavily.

"Alrighty mister. It was great riding with ya, but it seems like I get off here." She gave him a wink and a grin before stepping off the bus. Into the bright sunlight. In this unfamiliar but charming town. Even though it was was still rather windy. But Brooklyn still glowed in the sunlight. Her light brown, warm beige skin glowed.

So she adjusted her bag once more, after all it was old...she's had it for nine years. Then she began strutting down the street. Her hands shoved into her mom jeans. held up with a black leather belt. A simple black nirvana tee shirt, with an oversized jean jacket on top. She walked a little faster in her black boots.

Brooklyn looked around there had to be some sort of hotel, or inn. Something...someplace where she can stay. So she stopped really quickly and watched the people pass by. She saw a short old woman. About her height really. She had white thick hair. She seemed to be walking fast. She looked in a hurry. But she was the closest person to Brooklyn so she decided to stop the stranger.

"Excuse me ma'am?" Brooklyn leaned forward stopping the old woman in her tracks. The stranger did stop turning to her.

"Oh! Yeah, what is it Hun?" the old woman spoke. Her voice was loud and raspy.

"Sorry, I just was wondering if there are any hotels or inns around here? I'm kinda lost." Brooklyn gave her best, friendly smile. Giving a small chuckle too.

"Oh! Honey yes, there is an inn around here! One of my friends works there, a lovely girl! Her name is Lorelai! It's the independence inn. A cute little place. Not too far, but oh dear it's a bit of a long walk if you dont got transportation. " The short woman spoke, in a raspy voice.

Daddy Issues (LUKE DANES X ORIGINAL CHARACTER) (GILMORE GIRLS FIC)Where stories live. Discover now