Ch.4- A Match For The Birthday Queen

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(A/N  OKAY sooo. UHM the guy you'll meet in this chapter, Scott, well he kinda looks like Kj Apa. Im not really into face claims but when I made this character that's all I could think of. So just think of him as Kj Apa with balk hair lmao. Anyway warnings- cursing-alluding to sex and thats it. Enjoy loves!)

He sat on the bus, feeling exhausted and fatigued. He'd been traveling for days straight. The bus was half full of people yet was still very silent. He had been looking for her and finally got her location off of the last credit card she used. It was from a small town in Connecticut. It was only the end of November and he already missed her. He swore he wouldn't come back to her but the poor man couldn't help it. He missed her warm vanilla scent and curtain bangs and hazel eyes. He missed Brooklyn.


It was the afternoon and the diner was empty, other than Luke, Caesar and Brooklyn. She loved swinging by when the diner was empty. That way Luke paid more attention to her. It was a bit selfish Brooklyn thought to herself but she was feeling things for Luke. She cared for him a lot, even though it hasn't been a long time of knowing him. Brooklyn was also very attracted to him in all ways.

She sat there happily drinking her coffee, with Luke sitting across from her. They had just finished talking about pets and Brooklyn found out Luke is not a big fan of them, especially dogs. Which Brooklyn told him was preposterous. Now they sat in silence while Brooklyn enjoyed her coffee and Luke sat there watching her grumpy looking.

"You're not gonna say anything?" She eyed him, with a teasing tone.

"Something has been bothering me since last night...and I wanted to ask you about something." He muttered looking at her with an intense glare. But he seemed more awkward about it than anything.

"Alright shoot." She leaned back in her chair, crossing her legs as she watched Luke. He watched her as he inhaled deeply, thinking about the subject at hand. Luke tried to put it in a delicate way. His hand went to the back of his neck. Rubbing it as he met her eyes.

"You have talked about uh- your ex multiple times and I'm just really curious about him..and your life. Your parents. I don't know anything about that part of your life." He said before his hand fell from his neck.

"Oh," the smirk fell from her face. "Well I don't like talking about it so that's why you don't know anything." She chuckled lightly. "But I'm willing to talk about my ex. Considering he's long gone and in the past." She spoke nervously. "We were together for a really long time. Uhm, I met him at some barbecue a family friend was hosting. I was younger than him by four years. I was seventeen he was twenty one. We were friends for a long time. It was platonic until I turned twenty. On the night of my twentieth birthday he kissed me. The feeling was mutual. So I kissed him back and ever since then we were together until seven months ago." She shrugged, putting a long strand of hair behind her ear.

Luke nodded. "So you were with each other for eight years. Why did you break up?" He asked with a slight tilt of his head before a slight panic came to his face. "You don't have to answer by the way." He reassured her.

Brooklyn gave him a smile. Chuckling softly. She thought it was endearing the way Luke was so careful with the subject.

"He was kinda just a straight up dick. Bad temper. Immature. He acted like he was eighteen, when the man was thirty two. He would just get angry over small things. He was also controlling." She sighed. The image of him coming back to her. Brooklyn honestly thought she would marry him at some point in her life. "And...he had a bad habit of borderline cheating. He kissed other girls a lot when he was "drunk"." She rolled her eyes.

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