Ch.3- This Couldn't Happen Again

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(A/N So for a time frame I guess this takes place at season one or something like that. So yeah. Anyway some light cursing and thats it. Cute fluff and thats it. Hope yall enjoy! The song referenced in this chapter is "Again" by Doris Day)

Brooklyn basked in the warm sunlight. Her skin soaking it up, Her thighs exposed, and hair loose. Her eyes glued to the page in front of her. She had been sitting there for almost an hour now. Extremely invested in her book. She didn't want to put it down. She didn't even look up when the door opened.

Luke opened the door,it made a loud creak. "Hey just checking up on you." He announced as he closed the door behind him, walking past his small kitchen, seeing the breakfast was gone. He turned his head and saw Brooklyn. Sitting so perfectly still, immersed in the book before her. He only took a glance at her before going to put away dishes.

"So, you're a bookworm huh?" He asked a small smile on his lips.

"No not really. There's just certain books that catch my attention, Crime, horror. I'm not into literature and things like that." She called from the warm bed. "What are you doing over there?" She asked, finally lifting her eyes from the book.

"I'm cleaning up." He muttered. Washing the dish she ate from.

"Are you serious? You didn't come up here to see me? Bummer." She made a pouty face even though she knew Luke couldn't see, but she still thought it would amuse him a bit.

"Well of course I came to check on you, but I also don't want my place to get filthy because of you." He grunted, matching her playful tone. He put the plate away, now cleaning the fork and knife.

"You know what? I actually think it's nice and super attractive when a guy does dishes or cleans up in general, Oh and cooking! Man the ladies must love you!" She mocked, now flipping her page. Pushing her hair out of her face again.

Luke grunted, before finishing the dishes and drying his hands. He turned to walk toward his bed. "So have you just been reading this entire time?" He questioned before looking up at Brooklyn, his blue eyes widened.

He stood in front of his bed, He was still now. He didn't really take in the sight of Brooklyn until now. His eyes running over her body, trying to take it all in. Her bare thighs in the sunlight. Her hair was beautiful and wavy. His flannel hugged her body like a blanket while she was lying down, Luke could see the curve of her waist and hips. He didn't notice before, she constantly wore baggy clothes and even last night when she wore the flannel, she was standing so it looked baggy, but once she laid down, well Luke could see all of her curves and shapes.

He truly was taken aback by this woman. How beautiful she looked. She was actually really attractive. But Luke shook it off. He just thought he felt like that because he wasn't used to it. He mentally discarded his attraction to her. She was his friend.

'Brooklyn is my friend.' he thought to himself.

"Hey Luke are you okay?" She put her book down. Staring at him intently. He nodded quickly, swallowing the lump in his throat. She smiled at him now taking in the sight of Luke standing tall. Unlike Luke, Brooklyn didn't want to think of them as friends. She fed into her attraction for him.

"And I have not been reading this entire time! I ate food." She chuckled, now fully closing her book and setting it down. "

So, have you talked to Miss Patty yet?" She asked, now sitting up. Her posture straight. The flannel going back to it's baggy state. Once again she pushed hair behind her ear, it was a habit of hers.

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