First Day of School for the Thirteenth Time

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Hi there guys, please enjoy my story :) feedback is appreciated! Please like and comment.

***This story and all its characters are my own. Any and all elements are under copyright and are not to be shared, copied or used in any way without expressed, proven consent***

Enjoy 😉

My name is Aria, that's me by the school gate. No not that one, behind her. No not the cheerleader with long blonde hair and blue eyes, behind her by the flowers sitting in the grass. Yep her. That's me, the raven haired girl with weird coloured eyes - the "new" girl in town. I've always hated that cliche. 'Fresh meat' 'Loser' or 'Virgin' well at least that much was true I am a virgin, not that it's anyone's business. I'm here because my parents think I need to 'broaden my horizons - being in new a school builds character' well its a load of bull. Starting a new school means I have to endure the dreaded first day, not to mention the humiliation of lunchtime. You know, when you go to the cafeteria load up your tray with food and look awkwardly at every table until you find a seat then at the last minute someone trips you and your food ends up in your lap - yep true story. My father travels often for work which means I'm on my own a lot. Actually ever since I can remember. It used to bother me but now it doesn't, I'm almost 18 and I can't wait to finally be able to move where I want to, no rules or parents bossing me around. Complete and utter freedom. I smile to myself, that day can't come soon enough.

My smile falters slightly as I think of my mum, we lost her to lung cancer just over two years ago and dad has never been the same since. Dad turned to drinking and well I've always been the quiet brooding or depressed type. It meant people - most of the time - left me alone, just the way I liked it.

The bell rings bringing me out of my thoughts. "Ughh" I muttered under my breath. Time to face the music. I get up from my spot on the grass and pull my bag over my shoulder. I could hear whispers and feel eyes on me as I made my way through the school doors to the office. After collecting my stationary and class schedule I made my way to my first class - Food Technology. I didn't hate the class but I was definitely a foodie, I would rather buy great food than fail to make it. I took a seat in the back of class trying to blend in with the back wall and old pictures.

The final bell rings and the last of the students pile into the classroom. The teacher at the front of the class beckons everyone to be quiet and claps his hands.
"Please everyone find your seats, I know this is the first day back after break and you may not want to be here..but neither do I so let's get this over with shall we?" The teacher smirks playfully and returns to the board. Slowly everyone starts to calm down and the teacher speaks again.

"For those of you who don't know, my name is Mr Franks" he writes his name on the board and turns back to the students, his gaze moving across their faces.

Oh god here we go, this is the part when he'll mention a new student and I'll be told to stand and tell them a bit about myself. I cringe as he brings out the attendance record and I slide down my seat wishing the floor would swallow me whole and I close my eyes, waiting for the dreaded question.

"Right so, we have a new stu-" he's cutoff abruptly as the door to the classroom slams open and another student walks in, his hair ruffled and shirt askew.
"Mr Wolfe, nice of you to join us" Mr Franks says with a knitted brow. "Please find your seat and stop disturbing my class" he jabs his thumb behind him and starts the lesson.

Thank goodness this guy walked in when he did, the gods have decided to give me a break finally! I breathe out slowly smiling on the inside. Thank you random guy! I'm still celebrating when I feel a presence next to me, my eyes flutter open and the guy who saved my bacon is standing over my desk with a smirk.

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