Creature of the Night

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**Thank you again to everyone reading, I hope you are enjoying my stories as much as I'm enjoying writing them, please like and comment and tell me what you think**

Darkness is all I can describe, of what I saw. Like I was drowning in a pit of nothingness, no way to escape and no one to help. I knew I was not dead as I would often catch snippets of conversations of the people around me, it sounded like I was at the nurses' station.

Damn, that means I'm still at school, which also means I'll have to walk past everyone to go home. Great, just what I need.

The darkness slowly fades, and a grey light begins to form ahead of me, weird. Its like when you're watching a horror movie and the actor or actress goes toward the killer and they're telling them not too, you can't help yourself.

You're drawn to it like a moth to a flame, the curiousness will not go away.

A forest suddenly forms before my eyes, lush green grass and thick trees surrounded by fog at the top stretches as far as the eye can see. Autumn leaves litter the ground, odd as its only Spring.

I step forward and hear the crinkle of leaves beneath my feet, I spin around to turn back but the darkness has gone and all I see are more trees. A gust of wind blows by and it sends a shiver down my spine, it smells of blood mixed with pine.

"Hello! Anyone?" I yell out and start jogging, hopefully towards whatever is bleeding. I hope I'm not too late. I brush past trees, my legs tiring but I push on – what if someone is seriously hurt, I might be the only one who can help them.

I run for what feels like hours and my legs feel like they'll turn to jelly any second, it's like I've gone in circles, every tree looks the same. I stop to rest and point my nose into the air. Yup you're not a dog I think to myself shaking my head, that's not going to work.

I huff and push myself off the tree and the same smell singes my nostrils. My heart leaps with hope, at least I was going the right way! With newfound adrenaline I take off again, my combat boots hitting the ground hard.

The smell hits harsher and I cover my nose and face before I vomit. What the hell is it? I ask myself, pushing through thick vine. It catches in my hair and branches grab at my clothes. I burst out of the bush into a clearing, the smell is so much stronger, and my eyes water, this is it. I look around desperately for the injured thing and spot a crumpled-up body half hidden by a tree and run over dropping to my knees.

"Hello? Are you okay? Hey" I say pulling on the persons arm to roll them over on to their back, the blood has seeped into the dirt and their clothes are shredded. Maybe it was a bear, I say to myself whipping around to make sure nothing was around. Good one Aria, that should have been your first move.

The limp body flips over, and I gasp reeling back. It's a young man, it looks like his throats been ripped out and blood is still streaming from his eyes, pooling at his throat. Can't be a bear, they don't have that much precision I think to myself.

I check for a pulse, its faint but still there.

"Oh dude, you are seriously lucky" I say searching through his pockets for any kind of ID. Nothing. He does look familiar, but I can't place him. I stand up and turn around, now where did I come out from? I go to step away, but something grabs my ankle and I hit the ground.

I'm too scared to scream and my eyes feel like they were about to pop out of my skull. The almost dead guys hand goes limp again and I scramble back to him.

"Hey! Stay awake, you've been in an accident. I don't know what has attacked you but I'm going to get you out of here"

He gives the slightest nod then goes limp again. I take the sleeve of my cardigan and wipe the blood from his eyes and face. I go to wipe his neck and stop short, he is wearing a necklace on a rough piece of black twine, the pendant is in the shape of an infinity symbol and a pentagram, shaped exactly as my birthmark.

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